Page:Code of regulations for the Medical Department of the Presidency of Fort St. George (IA codeofregulation00madr).pdf/23

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1. The sick of all European and native corps are to be attended in regimental, and battalion, hospitals, in all situations, by the medical staff of corps respectively, and to be under their immediate management and care.

2. Medical officers in charge of European or native sick of the Company's service, in conducting their duties, are subject to the orders and directions of superintending surgeons, and to the general control of the medical board, acting under the commander in chief.

3. The superintendence of the hospitals of his Majesty's regiments, serving under this presidency, will rest solely with his Majesty's deputy inspector general of hospitals as to professional practice; leaving that, however, of economical concerns with the superintending surgeons of the Company's service. But, that such of these hospitals, as may be out of the reach of the visits of the former, may not be deprived of the advantage of personal inspection, in such case the professional as well as economical points will come under the examination of the superintending surgeons of divisions, under such instructions as they may receive from his Majesty's deputy inspector general of hospitals, and reporting solely through him on professional points, for the information of the commander in chief.