Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/104

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account of my arrival and departure. Having made the neceſſary arrangements, we ſet ſail for the Northward.

Iſle Cocas lays in a North Eaſt and South Weſt direction; its greateſt length does not exceed twelve miles, nor breadth four miles.

It may be proper to remark, in this place, that, in all parts of the Eaſt Indies, a vinegar is made of the milk of the cocoa nut, equal to our ſtrong white wine vinegar. I am unacquainted with the particular proceſs, but am diſpoſed to think it at once ſhort and ſimple. The old cocoa nut left in water for two hours, and then ſtrained, produces a liquid, in colour and taſte, little inferior, if not equal, to ſkim milk, which removed all ſcorbutic complaints from among the crew, and preſerved them in health, for many months.