Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/16

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itſelf before me; when, in a typhoon, in the Latitude of 38° North, on the coaſt of Corea, I was ſo unfortunate as to loſe my rudder, which obliged me to put back into the port of Chuſan in the Northern parts of China, where my loſs was repaired, as well as could be contrived, without the profeſſional aid of a carpenter. At this place, I was, by no means, well treated by the Chineſe: indeed, to prevent the being plundered of our cargo, and to ſave ourſelves from the ill-uſage which we might perſonally ſuffer, if we ſhould fall into their hands, we cut from our anchor, and, baffling the purſuit of thirty-ſix armed junks, returned to Canton[1]. Here I was threatened with ſtill greater evils, for being obliged from the wretched ſtate of the ſhip, which was almoſt a wreck, to paſs the Bocca Tigris, without ſtopping to obtain the neceſſary paſſport,

  1. I communicated the track of this voyage to Mr. Arrowſmith, Geographer, and it may be ſeen in his chart of the Pacific Ocean which will be ſoon publiſhed.