Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/19

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which was my original and favourite profeſſion. I had ſerved on the Quarter-deck of a man of war from the year 1769, and performed the ſecond circumnavigating voyage with Capt. Cooke as a midſhipman, on board the Reſolution: I had alſo enjoyed for ſixteen years the rank of a lieutenant. I accordingly addreſſed a letter to the Right Honourable the Lords Commiſſioners of the Admiralty, in which, after ſetting forth my ſervices and ſituation, I requeſted their Lordſhips, if the profeſſional exertions of my paſt life did not appear, in their opinion, to merit profeſſional promotion, or if they had no employment to offer me in order to obtain it, that they would be pleaſed to grant me permiſſion to re-engage in my commercial purſuits. Captain Marſhall, one of the Commiſſioners of the Victualling Office, under whoſe command I had the honour to ſerve, during ſeveral years, in the rank of firſt lieutenant, ſupported me in this application, which was effectually forwarded by Mr. Stephens; who