Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/203

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pleaſant weather, accompanied with occaſional ſhowers. In Latitude 33° South, the wind Southerd on us and the next day veered to the Weſt, and continued moſtly between the Weſt and North till we got into 47° South. It would ſometimes blow, for a few hours, between the Weſt and South Weſt, but never continued. In the Latitudes of 48° and 49°, the winds were light for forty-eight hours in the South Eaſt quarter, with a ſtrong Southerly current.

July 26.On the twenty-ſixth of July, in Latitude 48° South, the coaſt of Chili preſented to us a range of high mountains covered with ſnow. We had now frequent ſhowers of rain, hail and ſnow, and, on Auguſt 1.the firſt of Auguſt, doubled Cape Horn at the diſtance of fifteen Leagues. During the whole of the paſſage, the weather was not, by many degrees, ſo bad as we had apprehended, and was much better than that we had experienced when we came from Europe.

When we had rounded the Cape, and had advanced to the North, the weather improved every hour. In the Latitude 49°, the wind blew for twenty-four hours in the South Eaſt quarter, with delightful weather. Our ſpirits, as may be ſuppoſed, were greatly cheered by ſuch a