Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/22

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ſatisfaction at my being named to conduct the intended voyage.

There being at this time, no private veſſel in the Thames for ſale, which was properly conſtructed for the purpoſes of this expedition, a propoſition was made to the Lords Commiſſioners of the Admiralty to lend one of his Majeſty's ſmall ſhips of war for the ſervice, to be returned in the ſame ſtate, at the concluſion of the enterpriſe. This plan was favoured with their Lordſhips approbation; and ſeveral veſſels being propoſed and examined with this view, the Rattler ſloop of three hundred and ſeventy-four tons burthen, was ſelected, then laying at his Majeſty's yard at Woolwich, for conſiderable repairs. It was, however, found, on more mature conſideration, that the alterations neceſſary to be made for the whaling trade, would render her unfit for his Majeſty's future ſervice. An offer was therefore made to the Lords of the