Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/51

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Route from Cape Horn to making the coast of Chili, and the isles St. Felix and St. Ambrose.

April 11.
We doubled Cape Horn on the 11th of April, the day three months on which we departed from England, after having ſtopped at Rio Janeiro, during the ſpace of ten days; and proceeding from thence, four hundred leagues to the Eaſtward, in ſearch of the Iſland of Grand. On making Diego Ramieres Iſles, we ſtretched well into the Weſtward of them, with the wind at South, South Weſt; and, at midnight, tacked to the Southward and Eaſtward. During the following five days, we had the wind from Weſt, and South Weſt, and moſtly with an heavy gale, and a tremendous ſea, and as bad weather as could be produced by hail, rain, froſt and ſnow, which drove us as far to the Southward as 59°, and back to the Eaſt as 69°. We nevertheleſs ſtrove well againſt it, and the crew being in good