Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/68

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Route of the Rattler from the Isles Saint Felix and Saint Ambrose, to the coast of Peru.

1793.Mr. Dalrymple conjectures, that, to the Weſt of the Iſles Saint Felix and Saint Ambroſe, there are others, of the ſame name, which were called Saint Felix and Ambroſe Rocks. To aſcertain the truth of this opinion, I ran as far to the Weſtward, as 84°, when ſeeing neither land, birds or ſeals, to juſtify a belief that any ſuch iſles exiſted near this ſituation, I hauled on a wind for the coaſt of Peru, intending to make it, in Latitude 17° South; but, the wind hanging to the Eaſtward, I did not get on the fiſhing ground, until I was in the Latitude of 15° 30′.

There was now ſo large an extent of coaſt, in every part of which, I might meet with thoſe Britiſh ſhips, employed in