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Sept.. ?9oo [ THE bated, and I am led to believe titat this number of eggs is not unusual with I5 cassini, having found two other nests, each holding five young. We shot a highly colored Califi?rnia Purple Finch ((?podacus 15. calt.'fi?r?ticlts), which was drinking at a brook, and thus ascertained that both this and the Cassin's Pro-pie Finch ((: cassini) hreed at Fyffe. 3,7co feet altitude. The Warbling Vireo ( !: g'ih'ns) was also common, being heard all through the woods. CON I)OR 10 5 left the nest for us to inspect and I have thought it interesting perhaps to present two photographs of this interesting set. Plate I illustrates the nest and eggs in silu and ,shows the surroundings to advantage. Believing in the collecting of nests in siltt, Mr. Taylor consented to wield the shovel, which he (lid to goed advantage, plate II showing the nest and a square flint of earth as removed, while the writer expectantly held the box and Mr. Atkin.,?m gave valuable P I,ATF? II. Befi>re leaving FyflE behind us I must mention a beautiful nest and e ,,?- of the Calaveras Warbler (llchninthophi/a rub- ricanilia ,?'uttitt?7[[s) wl:ich Mr. Tayl(:r fi?und on May 25, situat_d on the bank of a small irrigating ditch flowing out of the fi>rest a few yards from the stage read. Mr. Taylor discovered the nest while cleaning out the di:ch, the bird fluMfing fn m beneath a small weed. The nest contained five e,,,,s slightly incubated. and Mr. Tayl:?r thoughtfifi?y COLLECTIN(; '1'111? GALAVF. RAS ?,VARBI.ER'.K .N,'E.KT IN .KITU t,'4howing method I W which such nc?ts nmy I*c i.'est-rw-d} advice. This picture serves to illustrate how. with littie trouble. really charmlug nests may he preserved. with their sur- roundings. for the cabinet. June 7 was speut in dinfiring the grade with a team and camp equipage in quest of a ct?ficr clime as well as new birds. Mr. M. l)unkum was a(!?td to the party and our first night fi}un(l us camped on the south fi?rk of the Ameri- can rlver. where rainlmw trout nmy usually be relied upon to supplcment t he