Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 1.djvu/11

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Richmond college, Virginia, and since 1881 general agent of the Peabody educational fund. During the first administration of President Cleveland he represented the United States as minister to Spain, and his experiences in that country are related in one of the several contributions which he has made to literature.

Prof. William R. Garrett, author of the history of the South as a factor in the formation and extension of the Constitutional Union, is a Virginian by birth and was graduated at William and Mary college. He enlisted as a private in Col. B. S. Ewell's regiment, but soon afterward became captain of an artillery company which won the praise of Gen. J. E. B. Stuart at the battle of Williamsburg. His subsequent service was as adjutant, first of a battalion of partisan rangers in Tennessee, and later of the Eleventh Tennessee cavalry regiment, until he was surrendered with General Forrest at Gainesville, Ala. Returning to Virginia, he became master of the grammar school of William and Mary college, but in 1868 he made his home in Tennessee, where he has devoted his talents to the cause of education. He has been State superintendent of public instruction, was president of the international meeting of the National educational association at Toronto, and is professor of American history at Peabody normal college, editor of the American historical magazine, vice-president and chairman of the historical committee of the Tennessee association of Confederate soldiers, and member of the committee on history of the United Confederate Veterans.

Gen. Clement A. Evans, in addition to the editorship of these volumes, has contributed a monograph upon the civil history of the Confederate States, treating specially of the political events of the period, also a brief general view of the military history. General Evans is familiar to the people of the South, through his gallant service in the army of Northern Virginia—at the close commanding Gordon s division; his prominence in the national