Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 1.djvu/757

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he has since consistently labored for the advancement of the South in a unified country. He has taken a prominent part in the National conventions of his party since 1866, was a candidate for governor of Georgia in 1868, and in 1873 and 1879 was elected United States Senator. Resigning in 1880, he actively participated in the building of the Georgia Pacific railroad. In 1886 and 1888 he was elected governor, and in 1890 again entered the United States Senate for six years service. Since then he has retired from political activity, and has been remarkably successful in presenting at the North as well as the South a famous historic lecture upon the " Last Days of the Confederacy. Since the organization of the United Confederate Veterans of the United States he has held the honorable position of commander-in-chief of that great fraternal order, and the memorable occasion at Nashville in 1897 when he attempted to resign this position, but was unanimously and enthusiastically re-elected, testified to the warmth of affection in which he is held by the survivors of the army.

Lieutenant-General Joseph Wheeler, soldier and statesman, beloved by his soldiers, and claimed with pride by the two great States of his birth and adoption, was characterized by President Davis as " one of the ablest, bravest and most skillful of cavalry commanders," an opinion fully concurred in by the great military leaders of the South, and since confirmed by the verdict of critical history. He was born at Augusta, Ga. , September 10, 1836, and was graduated at the United States military academy in 1859, with promotion to second-lieutenant of dragoons. At first assigned to duty at the Carlisle cavalry school, he was thence transferred to New Mexico. February 21, 1861, he resigned his Federal commission, and reaching Augusta in March, he was appointed first-lieutenant, corps of artillery, C. S. A. In this service he was stationed at Pensacola, and in September was promoted to