Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 11.djvu/172

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the enemy of about the same size attacked the Rangers under Captain Terrill, upon the right of the turnpike, and were repulsed with heavy loss." Besides Colonel Terry, three of his men were killed, Lieutenant Morris and three men dangerously wounded, and Captain Walker and three men slightly wounded. In General Hardee's special orders it was said of the fallen colonel: "His regiment deplores the loss of a brave and beloved commander; the army one of its ablest officers. The regiment was subsequently under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Harrison, during the illness of Colonel Lubbock. On the 30th Gen. A. S. Johnston reported that the regiment had been reduced to half its original number, 1,000, by deaths and sickness.

Gregg's Seventh infantry formed part of Simonton's brigade at the battle of Fort Donelson, and were the right of a gallant line which drove the enemy from a hill, under a terrific fire. Near the top of the hill, where a battery was captured, Lieut.-Col. J. M. Clough and Lieut. J. W. Nowlin fell near together. At the same locality fell Capt. William B. Hill. Two days before, Lieut. E. B. Rosson had been killed during the bombardment. The total loss of the Seventh was 20 killed and 34 disabled out of 350 engaged. At the capitulation the regiment was paroled.


Col. John C. Moore, Second Texas infantry, in reporting the action of his regiment at Shiloh, stated that his command left Houston, Tex., March 12th, reached Corinth April 1st, after a long and exhausting march, and after one day in camp was ordered forward to the battlefield. Early on April 6th, supporting Hardee's division, the regiment lost 1 man killed and 2 or 3 wounded. About 8:30 they moved to the right and took position in the front line to the left of Chalmers' brigade, and was soon under fire, losing 2 or 3 men wounded