Page:Constitution of the Anti-Slavery Society.djvu/12

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Whereas, we believe that Slavery is contrary to the precepts of Christianity, dangerous to the liberties of the country, and ought immediately to be abolished; and whereas, we believe that the citizens of Massachusetts not only have the right to protest against it, but are under the highest obligation to seek its removal by a moral influence; and whereas, we believe that the free people of color are unrighteously oppressed, and stand in need of our sympathy and benevolent co-operation; therefore, recognizing the inspired declaration that God ‘hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth,’ and in obedience to our Savior’s golden rule, ‘all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them;’ we agree to form ourselves into a Society, and to be governed by the following


Art. I. This Society shall be called the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, and shall be auxiliary to the American Anti-Slavery Society.

Art. II. The objects of the Society shall be, to endeavor, by all means sanctioned by law, humanity, and religion, to effect the abolition of slavery in the United States; to improve the character and condition of the free people of color, to inform and correct public opinion in relation to their situation and rights, and obtain for them equal civil and political rights and privileges with the whites.

Art. III. Any person by signing the Constitution, and paying to the Treasurer fifteen dollars as a life subscription, or two dollars annually, shall be considered a member of the Society, and entitled to a copy of all its official publications.

[Articles 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10, relate to officers and their duties. Art. 6, fixes the annual meeting ‘on the fourth Wednesday of January.’ Art. 12, provides for Quarterly meetings ‘on the last Monday of March, June and September,’ at such place as the Board of Managers shall direct; and also for the calling of ‘special meetings, by the Board, or by the Recording Secretary, on application from ten members of the Society.’]