Page:Constitution of the United States, 2009.djvu/47

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  Article, Section Page
Indians, commerce with, Congress' power I,8 6
Inhabitant (see Resident) I,2;I,3 1,3
International law, Congress' power I,8 6
Inventors I,8 6
inferior courts I,8;III,1 6,12
judicial review III,2 13
jurisdiction III,2 13
nomination & confirmation of judges II,2 11–12
Supreme Court III,1 12
terms of office & compensation III,1 12
Jury trials III,2;A6;A7 13,22,23
"Lame duck" amendment A20 29
Liquor A18;A21 28,30
Marque and reprisal, letters of I,8,10 6,8
Men (see Persons)
Militia (Military) A2;A5 21,22
congressional powers I,8 7
presidential powers II,2 11–12
Money I,8 6
National debt VI 15–16
Native Americans (see Indians)
Naturalization I,8 6
Navy I,8;II,2 7,11
"Necessary and proper" clause I,8 7
Nominate II,2;A25 11,32
Oath of office, federal and state II,1;VI 11,16
Original Jurisdiction III,2 13
Pardons and reprieves, President’s power II,2 11
People, powers reserved to A10 23
A14 25–26
Petition the government, right to A1 21
"Pocket veto" I,7 5
Poll tax, prohibition A24,1 32
Post offices & roads, Congress' power I,8 6
Presidency, succession to II,1;A20;A25 10–11,29–30
President   32–33
disability A25,3 32–33
election II,1;A12;A22 9–10,24 –25,
  A23 31,31–32
eligibility for office II,1 10
legislation, role in I,7 5