Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/660

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simply indicating which are excluded.


Present Con- vention to replace Beine Con- vention and Paris Acts

But Berne Convention remains in force be- tween coun- tries not signatory to present Convention

Signatory States may declare themselves bound by former Con- ventions upon cer- tain points

Article XXI Convention The present Convention to be ratified shall be ratified, and the

indicating those which are excluded.

This declaration shall be made known in writing to the Government of the Swiss Confederation, and by the latter to all the others.

Article 27

The present Convention shall replace, in the relations between the contracting States, the Convention of Berne of September 9, 1886, including the Additional Ar- ticle and the Final Protocol of the same day, as well as the Additional Act, and the Interpretative Declaration of May 4, 1896. The con- ventional acts above-men- tioned shall remain in force in the relations with the States which do not ratify the present Convention.

The States signatory to the present Convention may, at the time of the ex- change of ratifications, de- clare that they intend, upon such or such point, still to remain bound by the pro- visions of the Conventions to which they have previ- ously subscribed.

Article 28 The present Convention shall be ratified, and the