Page:Crane Italian Popular Tales.djvu/425

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Admonitions, the Three, story of, 157.

Andromeda, or Princess freed from Dragon, 335.

Angiola, the Fair, story of, 26.

Animal brothers-in-law, 60; animal children, 324; animals, dispute of, settled by hero, 31.

Ant and the Mouse, story of the, 376.

Apple, unequally divided, indicates true friend, 204.

Ass, story of the, 190.

Ass that lays Money, story of the, 123.

Baker's Apprentice, story of the, 212.

Barber, story of the, 241.

Basile, Giambattista, xi.

Bastanielo, story of, 279.

Beauty and the Beast, 7.

Beppo Pipetta, story of, 222.

Bierde, story of, 68.

Bird, magic, bestowing gifts, 43; bird, transformation into, 2, 13.

Blood of children restores uncle to life, 87.

Bluebeard, 77.

Bone of hero as musical instrument discovering murderers, 41; human bone to be eaten, 81.

Bonhomme Misère, 215, 222, 367.

Boots, magic, faster than wind, 143.

Bottles, seven, filled with tears, 322.

Bride, the Forgotten, 58, 71

Bride, the True, 57, 71, 102.

Brother Giovannone, story of, 217.

Brothers, three, born from mother eating magic fish, 30.

Buchettino, story of, 265.

Bucket, story of the, 100.

Buddha, parable of, 294.

Buttadeu, story of, 197.

Capon divided in peculiar manner, 311.

Cat and the Mouse, story of the, 257.

Catherine and her Fate, story of, 105.

Cento Novelle Antiche, 154, 188.

Chess, winning at, disposes of princess's hand, 123.

Chick-Pea, Little, story of, 242.

Children born from chick-peas, 243; from fish, 30, 335; apple-peel, 344; Children promised to witches, 25; to Devil, 136.

Christmas, story of, 283.

Cinderella, story of, 42.

Cistern, story of the, 36.

Clever Girl, story of the, 311.

Clever Peasant, story of the, 309.

Cloak that renders invisible, 123, 1

Cloud, story of the, 30.

Cobbler, the, story of, 94.

Cock, story of the, 270.

Cock and the Mouse, story of the, 252.

Cock that wished to become Pope, story of the, 272.

Constantine's leprosy healed by St. Silvester, 202.

Cook, story of the, 275.

Crab, story of, 314.

Crivòliu, story of, 198.

Cross protects child against Devil, 137.

Crumb in the Beard, story of the, 110.

Crystal Casket, story of the, 326.

Çukasaptati, Oriental collection of tales, 167, 359.

Cupid and Psyche, 1, 77.

Cure by laughing, 119, 347.

Curse of the Seven Children, story of the, 54.

Cymbal, prince concealed in, 64.

Danaë, 336.

Dante, 309, 381.

Daughters, two, good and bad, 100.

Der Kaiser und der Abt, Burger's poem of, 275.

Devil, how the, married Three Sisters, story of, 78.

Disciplina Clericalis of Petrus Alphonsi, 154, 157. 352, 355.

Doctor's Apprentice, story of the, 287.

Dog's face, by witch's imprecation, 29; dogs substituted for queen's children, 19.

Doll which moves, sees, and dresses itself, 114; king's son in love with, 117, 180.

Don Firiulieddu, story of, 241.

Don Joseph Pear, story of, 127.

Don Juan, 235.

Don Quixote, 155.

Doves recall forgotten bride, 75; indicate future Pope, 200.

Eagle carries hero up from cave, 40.

Eat, My Clothes! story of, 296.

Egg which kills fairy, 32.

Eyes, diseased, cured by feather of griffin, 40.

Fables of Oriental origin, 150, 353.

Fabliaux, French, 149, 352.

Fair Brow, story of, 131.

Fairies' gifts, 19, 99, 100, 102.

Fate personified, 105.

Feast Day, a, story of, 261.

Figs producing horns, 121.

Fiorita, the Fair, story of, 61.

Firrazzanu, stories of, 289, 290; Firrazzami's Wife and the Queen, 288.