Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/144

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There are various Ways of polifhing Marble. Some lay three or four Blocks in a Row, and with another, fix'd to a broad Beetle, and a Handle fix'd at oblique Angles, with Sand and Water between, work the upper Stone backwards and forwards on the lower ones, till the Strokes of the Ax are wore off; after which, they polifli them with Emery and Putty. Father Kvcher fhews the Man- ner of applying Colours on Ma-,ble, fo as to make them penetrate its whole Subttance ; infumuch that if the Mar- ble be flit into feveral parallel Tabks or Planks, the fame Image will be found on each, thar was painted on thefiril. Spots of Oil penetrate white Marble, fo as they cannot be taken out. The word Marble comes from the Lathi Mar- mor, and that from the Greek (tapudip&y, tojhine.

To marble, is to paint, or difpofe Colours in fuch a manner, as that they may reprefent Marble. Thus we mar- ble Paper, W ood, i£c.

MARBLED, fomething refembling Marble: Thus marbled Paper, v.g. is a Paper itain'd with various Clouds and Shades, refembling, in fume meafure, the various Veins of Marble ; the Method whereof, fee under Pa-


MARBLING OF BOOKS, among Binders, the fprink- li'ng over the Cover of a Book with Black, by means of a black Pencil ilruck gently againft the Finger, or on a Stick held for the purpofe. Marbl'mg is not ufed, except for Books bound in Calf; after it is finifli'd, the Cover is glazed over with beaten Whites of Eggs, then fmooth'd with a polifhing Iron. They alfo marble Books on the Edges, but in this Marbling there Black ufed; in lieu thereof, red, blue, &c. See Book-Binding.

MARC, or MARK; a Weight ufed in feveral States of Europe, and for feveral Commodities, efpecially Gold and Silver in France. The Marc is divided into 8 Ounces, or 64 Drachms, or 1512 Deniers or Penny-weights,or 160 Efterlins, or 300 Mailles, or 640 Felins, or46oS Grains, InHolland, the lAarc Weight is alfo call'd Troy- Weight, and is equal to that of France. When Gold and Silver are fold by the Marc, it is divided into 24 Caracas, the Caract into 8 Penny- weights, the Penny-weight into 24 Grains, and the Grain into 24 Primes. See Cjbact.

MARK is alfo ufed among us for a Money of Account ; .and in feme other Countries for a Coin : The English Mark is two Thirds of a Pound Sterling, or 1 3 s. 4 d, and Mat- thew Pans obferves, it was of the fame Value in 1194. The antient Saxons call'd the Mark, Mancos, Mancufe, and Mearc ; among them it was equivalent to thirty Pence, 1. e- to fix Shillings, The Mark-Lubs, ufed at Ham hour j, is alfo a Money of Account, equal to one Third of the Rixdollar, or to the French LivreToumois. Each Mark is divided into lixteen Sols-Lubs. Mark Lubs, or Danfch, is alfo a Danijh Coin, equal to fixteen Sols Lubs, or twenty French Sols. See Sol. Laltly, Mark is a Copper Coin :n Sweden, equal to two Pence Fanning Sterling; it is divided into eight Roujliqs, and each Roujiiq into two Allevenres. The Swedifh Silver Mark is a Money of Account, equal to three Cot/per Marks, tho fome make it a real Coin.

MARCASSITE; a Metallic Mineral, making, as it were, the Seed or firft Matter of Metals. On this Prin- ciple, there Should be as many different MarciJJites as Me- tals, which is true in effect ; the Name being apply'd to every Mineral Body that has Metallic Particles in its Com- petition. There are only three Kinds in; the Shops, viz. Marcaffne of Gold, of Silver, and of Copper ; tho fome make the Loadftone Marcafjlte of Iron, Tin of Glafs, Mar- caffite of Tin, and Zink or Spelter, that of Lead : but this we leave to the Chymirrs. Marcajjite of Gold is in little Balls about the bignefs of Nuts, nearly round, hea- vy, of a brown Colour without. Marcaff.te of Silver is like that of Gold, only lefs coiour'd : within, the Colour differs much, the one having a Gold Colour, and the o- ther a Colour of Silver, both fhining and brlllant. The Marcaffite of Copper is about the bignefs of a fmall Apple, round or oblong, brown without, yellow and cryflalline within, brillant and fhining. MarcaJJJtes are found in Mines of Metal ; they contain a great deal of Vitriolic Salt, efpecially that of Copper. Some only ufe the word Mar- caffite for Bifmuth. The Word is originally Arabic.

MARCELLIANISM, the Doctrine and Opinions of the Marceltians, a Seel of antient Heretics 5 fo calrd from Mar- cellus of Ancyra, their Leader, who was accufed of reviving the Errors oi~Sahelhus. Some, however, are of opinion, he was Orthodox, and that it was his Enemies the Ariarts, who father'd their Errors upon him. St. Epipharims ob- ferves, that there was a great deal of Difpute with regard to the real Tenets of Marceltus ; but that as to his Fol- lowers, 'tis evident they did not own the three Hypoftafes; fo that Marcclhanifm is no imaginary Herefy.

MARCGRAVE, a kind of Dignity in Germany, an- fwering to our Marquifs. The Word is derived from the German Marchs or Mark, which fignifies a Frontier 5 the

Marcgra-ves being originally Governors of Cities lying oil the Fromkrs of any State.

MARCH, the third Month of the Year, according to the common way of computing. Among the Romans it was the fir It, and in fome Ecclefiaftical Computations, that Order is fall preferved ; as particularly in reckoning the Number of lears from the Incarnation of our Saviour, that is, from the 25th of March. In England however, properly fpeaking, March is the firlt Month°in Order ; the new Year commencing from the 25th, tho, in corhplai- fance to the Cufloms of our Neighbours, we ul'uail) rank it as the third: but in this refpect, we fpeak one way> and write another. Till the Year 1564, the French rec- kon 'd the beginning of their Year from Eaper ; fo that there were two Months of March in one Year, one of which they call'd March before Eajler, and the 0[h:r March after Eajier. When Eafter fell within the Month of March, the beginning of the Month was in one Year, and the end in another.

It was Romulus who divided the Year into twelve Months; to the firlt of which he gave the Name of his fuppofed Father Mars. Ovid, however, obferves, that the People of Italy had the Month of March before Romulus's Time 5 but that they placed it very differently, fome making it the 3d, iome the 4th, fome the 5th, and others the iotfa Month in the Year. In this Month it was that the Romans facrificed to Anna Teremia, that they begun their Comitia, that they adjudg'd their public Farms and Leafcs ; that the Women ferved the Slaves and Servants at Table, as the Men did in the Saturnalia ; and that the Vcltals renewed the Sacred Fire. The Month of March was under the Protection of Minerva, and always confined of 31 Days. The Antients held it an unhappy Month for Marriage, as well as the Month of May.

MARCHET; a pecuniary Fine amicntly paid bv the Tenant to his Lord, for the Marriage of one of the Tenant's Daughters. This Cuftom obtain'd, with fome d : £fcrcnce, throughout all England aiid Wales, as alfo in Scotland, and ftill continues to obtain in fome places. According to the Cuftom of the Mannor of Dinover in CarmarthenJIArt, every Tenant, at the Marriage of his Daughter, pays ten Shil- lings to the Lord ; which, in the Britijlj Language, is call'd Gwabr-Merched, i.e. Maid's-Fee.

In Scotland, and the North Parts of England, the com- mon Cuftom was, for the Lord to lie the firlt Night with the Bride of his Tenant : But this Cuftom was abrogated by King Malcolm III. at the Inflance of his Queen 5 and inltead thereof, a Mark was paid by the Bridegroom to the Lord. Whence 'tis call'd Marcheta Mulieris.

MARCION1TES, the Name of a very antient and popular Seel in the Church. In the Time of St. Ef'.pha- nius, they were fpread over Italy, Egypt, Falejl'me, Syria t Arabia, Ferjia, and other Countries. Marcion, their Au- thor, was of Fontv.s, the Son of a Bifhop, and at firtr. made profeffion of the Monaftical Life ; but having had a criminal Affair with a Maid, was excommunicated by his own Father, who would never admit him again into the Communion of the Church, not even on his Repen- tance. On this he abandon'd his own Country, and re- tired to Rome, where he began to broach his Doctrines* He laid down two Principles, the one Good, the other Evil, He deny'd the real Birth, Incarnation and Paffion of Jefus Chrift, and held them to be all apparent only. He taught two Chrifts : One, who had been lent by an un- known God for the Salvation of all the World ; Another, whom the Creator would one day fend to rc-eflablifli the Jews. He deny'd the Rcfurrection of the Body, and al- low'd none to be baptized, but thofe who preferved their Continence; but thefe he granted might be baptized three times. In many things he follow'd the Sentiments. of the Heretic Cerdm, and rejected the Law and the Prophets. He pretended the Gofpel had been corrupted by falfe Prophets, and allow *d none of the Evangelifts but St. Luke, whom he altered in many places, as well as the Epiflles of St. Paul ; a great many things in which he threw out. In his own Copy of St. Luke, he threw out the two firlt Chapters entire.

MARCITES, aSect of Heretics in the fecond Century, who alfo call'd themfelves the PcrfeBi, and made profef- fion of doing every thing with a great deal of Liberty, and without any Fear. This Doctrine they borrow 'd from Simon Magits, who, however, was not their Chief; for they they were ca\i'd Marches from one Marcus, who conferred the Prielthood, and the Adminiflration of the Sacraments, on Women.

t MARCOSSIANS, the Name of an antient Sect in Reli- gion, making a Branch of the Ghnftics. St.Iretveus fpcaksat large of the Leader of this Sect, Marcus, who, it fcems, was reputed a great Magician. He relates feveral things touch- ing the Prayers and Invocation of the antient G?ioji;cs, the antient "jewtjlo Cabala on the Letters of the Alphabet, and
