Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/359

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IIUYSMANS I, I HUYSMANS, CORNELIS, called Huvs- nians of Mechlin, born in Antwerp, April 2, KJ48, died in Mechlin, June 1, 1727. F 1 e ni i s h school; land- scape painter, pupil of KasiH-r do Witte in Antwerp, and of Jacques d'Ar- tliois in Brus- sels, whence he went to Mechlin. Van der Mt'iilen, on a visit to Brussels, tried in vain to attract him to the court of Louis XIV., but persuaded him to paint backgrounds for his Environs of Luxembourg and Di-, now in the Louvre. Works : Wood- land with Chateau, National Gallery, Lon- don ; Landscapes in National Gallery, Edin- burgh ; Louvre, Paris (">) ; Museums at Berlin (.'!), Brunswick (~2), Brussels, Cologne (3), Dresden (2), Hanover, Nantes, New York (:J), Rouen, Stockholm, Stuttgart (I), Vienna ('2); Galleries at Augsburg, Carlsruhe (2). Cassel (2), Copenhagen, Hamburg, Olden- burg, Schleissheim (.">), Schwerin ; Old Pi- jiakothek, Munich (2) ; Historical Societv, New York (2); Hermitage, St. Petersburg (2). Ch. Blanc, Keolc llamandc ; Ga/. des B. Arts (1H70), iii. Ml; Immor/eel, ii. (lit; Kramm, iii. 777 ; Michiels, ix. 142 ; Neet's, i. oO!S ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. KJ3 ; Roosi'S (Reber), 414 ; Van den Branden, 1077. HUYSMANS, JACOB, born in Antwerp in !(!.">(!, died in London in !(!!)(!. Flemish school ; portrait and history painter, pupil of Gilles Backereel, and completed his artis- tic education in England, reign of Charles II. Painted the most distinguished ladies of the court. Works : Portrait of Queen Kathariua of Portugal, Buckingham Palace ; Portrait of Izaak Walton, National Gallery, London ; Lady Byron, Hampton Court ; Catharine of Braganza, Colonel W. Legg, National Portrait Gallery, London ; Altar- piece, German chapel, St. James's. Immer- in Amster- zeel, ii. 09 ; Kramm, iii. 77H ; Redgrave, 223 ; Scharf, 420. HUVSMANS, JAN BAPTIST, born in Antwerp, baptized Oct. 7, 1054 , died there, July 14, 171(1. Flemish school ; landscape painter, brother and pupil of Cornells ; mas- ter of the Antwerp guild in 1070. His pict- ures show even more elevated feeling for nature than those of his brother, and were often sold for Ruysdaels. Works: Great Landscape (l(i!)7), Brussels Museum; Oth- ers, Dijon Museum ; Ruins of Corinthian Temple |10'.t.-|). Old Pinakotliek, Munich. Gaz. des B. Arts ( 1S70), 303, :!<;<; ; Kunst- Clironik, x. (iK3 ; Miehiels, i. 110, l.">0 ; Rooses (Reber), 414; Van den Branden, 1078. HUVSl.M. .IAN VAN, dam, April 1~>, IDS 2, died there, Feb. S, ' 174!). Dutch school ; llower and fruit paint- er, son and pu- pil of .) ust us van Huysum, whom he assist- ed in executing various subjects, but his great talent for llower and fruit painting caused him to de- vote himself exclusively to this branch of art, in which he formed himself after Do Hecm and Mignon. Brilliant ell'ects of light, masterly drawing, high tinish of detail. Works: Vase with Flowers (1730-37), do., National Gallery, London ; Bunches of Flowers, Bridgewater Gallery ; Rich Flower- Piece, Fruit-Piece, Lord Ashburton ; Bou- quet, Fruit-Piece, Mr. Hope's Collection ; Two, Dulwich Gallery; Landscape (1717), do. (3), Flower and Fruit-pieces (0), Louvre, Paris ; Landscape, The Offering, Flowers (1723), do., Fruit-pieces (2), Amsterdam Museum ; Landscapes and Flower-pieces in Museums at The Hague (3), Berlin (4, one dated 1722), Berne, Boston, Brunswick (4, one dated 1724), Dresden (3), Hanover (2),