Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/384

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NEIIEE the Stuttgart Art School. Member of Vi- enna and Munich Academies ; Commander Order of Frederic ; Officer Order of Leopold ; Order of Michael. Works : Abraham visited by the Angels, Basle Museum ; Death of Duke Ulrich at Duf- fmgeii ; liaising of Youth at N a i n (1831), Descent from the Cross (1855), Stuttgart Museum ; Crucifixion (1850); Spring (1858), Eoyal Palace, Stuttgart ; Noah's Sacrifice (18C1) ; Christ blessing the Children (1803) ; Abra- ham's Intercession (1S72) ; Last Judgment (1873). Frescos : Entry of Emperor Louis the Bavarian after Battle of Ampfing (1832- 85), Isarthor, Munich (cartoon of it in Wei- mar Museum) ; thirty-four pictures after Schiller's and twenty-eight after Goethe's Poems (1830-39), Ducal Palace, Weimar.- Allgem. d. Biog., xxiii. 381 ; Journal des B. Arts (18(il), Nos. 18- l'J ; Miillcr, 389 ; Nag- ler, x. 173 ; Tllustr. Zeitg. (1874), i. 328 ; (1875), i. 230; (1883), ii. 423; Kunst- Chronik, xvii. 110 ; xviii. 309 ; Kunst fiir Alle, i. 149. NEHER, MICHAEL, born in Munich, March 31, 1798, died there, Dec. 4, 187G. Architecture painter, first instructed by Mitterer, pupil in 1813-10 of Munich Acad- emy under J. P. von Langer, and in 1810- 18 of Mathias Klotz ; was employed by Angelo Quaglio to paint decorations for the theatre, went to Italy, and for three years painted portraits in Trent, Milan, and Trieste, then spent three years in Home, where, influenced by Heinrich Hess, he took up genre painting. On his return to Munich, in 1823, he became conservator of the Art Union, executed in 1830, in the cas- tle of Hohenschwangau, frescos after com- positions by Schwind, Gasser, and Schwan- thaler, and in 1837 devoted himself entirely to architectural subjects, for which he after- wards made extensive studies on the Rhine and in Belgium. Honorary member of Mu- nich Academy in 1872 ; Order of Michael. Works : Freiburg Minster ; City Hall and St. Peter's at Louvain ; Frankfort Cathedral ; Mechlin Cathedral, Touruay ; Cathedral, Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; Magdeburg Cathedral (1855), Prague Cathedral, Interior of Chapel at Castle Trausuitz (1838), Church j of Bebeuhausen Convent (1848), Views in Munich (3, 1842-43), Poultry Venders in Rome (1825), Lichtenthal near Baden-Ba- den (1859), St. Vitus' Church in Prague, St. Martin's at Brunswick, New Piuakothek, Munich ; Church Interior (1838), Kunst- halle, Hamburg ; Courtyard of Monastery at Kaufbeucru (1852), Leipsic Museum ; Street in Antwerp (1800), Schwerin Gal- M . Afi l erv ; Market-Square

  • /K . sVefo.QP' and Cathedral at

tQ/Tf* Reutlingen, Wiesba- /<3rO tlcn Gallery. All- gem, d. Biog., xxiii. 388 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1870), ii. 520; Kunst-Chronik, xii. 273; Reguet, ii. 72. NEHLIG, VICTOR, born in Paris in 1830. Figure painter, pupil of Cogniet and Abel do Pujol in Paris. Settled in New York in 1850 ; elected N.A. in 1870 ; re- turned to Europe in 1872. Works : Armour- er of the Olden Time ; Gertrude of Wyo- ming ; Artist's Dream ; Cavalry Charge of Lieutenant Hidden, Historical Society, New York ; Battle at Antietam, William Astor, ib.; Captive Huguenot; Pocahontas ; Hia- watha ; The Bravo (1870) ; Mahogany Cut- ting (1871) ; Serenade, C. H. Wolff, Phila- delphia ; Waiting for my Enemy, Mrs. Joseph Harrison, ib. ; Battle of Gettysburg. Tuckermau, 492. NEHRLICH. See Nerly. NEIDE, EMIL, born in Konigsberg in 1842. History painter, pupil of Konigsberg, Diisseldorf, and Munich Academies, at the latter under W. Diez ; travelled in Ger- many, the Netherlands, and Italy. Profes- sor at Kiiuigsberg Academy. Works : Psy- che taken by Charon to the Nether World 336