Page:Daany Beédxe.djvu/58

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where community problems are discussed and analyzed, for appropriate decisions.

The old grandparents, long time ago stated that any city or town should be organized, because it is the way to multiply the strength of men and thus ensure survival. This is why, every community should have a Government House, a temple with its buildings, a supply warehouse, a plaza for public and ceremonial events, a Justice House, a House for young people, another for the singing and dancing, and a school of higher education, called the House of measure. All shall be given arable land for their maintenance, through "middle work" provided by the community.

Around the civic center, there should be four quarters "Casas Grandes" (large houses), and in each of these districts, at the same time should have five "Casas Chicas" (small houses) and in turn each one of these small houses, would be devoted to production, in addition to field work, a necessary good for the life of the community, so usually every neighborhood or small house shall form productive units, for specialized community work.

Many others have lived in these lands before us and after the old and wise grandparents. They have left us their wisdom, their experience of how to flower the heart, in this land that is not ours, where we are for a short time.

Jaguars and eagles have the instinct that our omnipresent Lord, gave them to survive here on Earth. The instinct is not wisdom; it is information that passes from one generation to another, to perpetuate the species. If the jaguar or Eagle lost their instinct, their time on earth would soon end. They would not know how to hunt, they would not know how to hide, and they could not survive. Similarly —Smoky mirror said—our Lord, "he who cannot be seen or felt" gave to us, his children, "tradition, and custom" to convey the knowledge, the experience of life, from the old grandparents to the children of their children. In this way man roots