Page:Dainty Davie.pdf/4

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She has a hump upon her breast,
The twin o' that upon her shouther;
Sic a wife, &c.

Auld baudrons by the ingle sits,
And wi' her loof her face a-washin;
But Willie's wife is nae sae trig,
She delights her grunzie wi' a hushion;
Her walie nieves like midden cree's,
Her face wad fyle the Logan water;
Sic a wife, &c.

the blue-eyed lassie.

I gaed a waefu' gate yestreen,
A gate I fear I'll dearly rue;
I gat my death frae twa sweet een,
Twa lovely een o' bonny blue.
‘Twas not her golden ringlets bright,
Her lips like roses wat wi' dew,
Her heaving bosom lily white;—
It was her een sae bonny blue.

She talk'd, she smil'd, my heart she wyl'd
She charm'd my said I wist na how;
And ay the stound, the deadly wound,

Cam frae her een sae bonnie blue.