Page:Death Comes for the Archbishop.pdf/82

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The man came out of the stable. “What do you want?”

“Our mules. We have changed our mind. We will push on to Mora. And here is a dollar for your trouble.”

The man took a threatening attitude. As he looked from one to the other his head played from side to side exactly like a snake’s. “What's the matter? My house ain't good enough for ye?”

“No explanation is necessary. Go into the barn and get the mules, Father Joseph.”

“You dare go into my stable, you———priest!”

The Bishop drew his pistol. “No profanity, Señor. We want nothing from you but to get away from your uncivil tongue. Stand where you are.”

The man was unarmed. Father Joseph came out with the mules, which had not been unsaddled. The poor things were each munching a mouthful, but they needed no urging to be gone; they did not like this place. The moment they felt their riders on their backs they trotted quickly along the road, which dropped immediately into the arroyo. While they were descending, Father Joseph remarked that the man would certainly have a gun in the house, and that he had no wish to be shot in the back.

“Nor I. But it is growing too dark for that, unless he should follow us on horseback,” said the Bishop. “Were there horses in the stable?”