Page:Declaration of the Initiation of the Process of Independence of Catalonia.pdf/2

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3. The Parliament of Catalonia proclaims the start of a participative, open, integrating and active citizen's constituent process to lay the foundation for the future Catalan Constitution.

4. The Parliament of Catalonia urges the future Catalan government to adopt the necessary measures to give effect to these declarations.

5. The Parliament of Catalonia considers appropriate to begin within thirty days the passing of legislation on the constituent process, the Catalan social security system and the Catalan Tax Agency.

6. The Parliament of Catalonia, as the repository of sovereignty and the expression of the constituent power, reiterates that this House and the process of democratic disconnection from the Spanish State shall not be subject to the decisions of the institutions of the Spanish State, in particular the Constitutional Court, which it considers devoid of legitimacy and jurisdiction following its ruling of June 2010 on the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia previously voted on by the people in a referendum, among other rulings.

7. The Parliament of Catalonia shall adopt the necessary measures to begin this process of disconnection from the Spanish state in a democratic, massive, sustained and peaceful way, in order to empower citizens at every level, and on the basis of open, active and integrating participation.

8. The Parliament of Catalonia urges the future Catalan government to comply exclusively with those rules and mandates emanating from this legitimate and democratic House in order to safeguard fundamental rights which may be affected by decisions of the institutions of the Spanish state, such as those specified in the annex to this resolution.

9. The Parliament of Catalonia declares its will to begin negotiations with a view to giving effect to the democratic mandate to create an independent Catalan state in the form of a republic, and it agrees to make this known to the Spanish State, the European Union and the international community as a whole.