Page:Dictionary of National Biography, Second Supplement, volume 2.djvu/421

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he carried his Malayan research to the end of the twenty-first part, the revision of which had just been completed when he died of an apolectic seizure at San Remo on 12 Feb. 1909. A memorial tablet marked his burial place there and records his philanthropic labours. King's services to botanical science were recognised by the award of medals by the University of Upsala, the Linnean Society, and the Royal Horticultural Society.

King married, in 1868, Jane Anne, daughter of Dr. G. J. Nicol, Aberdeen; she died in 1898. Of their two sons the elder, Robert, became an officer in the royal engineers.

A bronze medallion portrait, by F. Bowcher, was presented by Indian friends in 1899 to the Zoological Garden, Calcutta, a replica being placed in the Calcutta Botanic Garden. A copy, formerly in King's possession, is now in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh.

[Obituary notice by the present writer in Proc. Roy. Soc. vol. 81, p. xi, based on official notifications, original papers, and the memoranda and letters of King's relatives and friends; Kew Bulletin, 1909, pp. 193-7, for bibliography.]

D. P-n.

KING, HAYNES (1831–1904), genre painter, born at Barbados in Dec. 1831, was son of Robert M. King by his wife Maria. Coming to London in 1854, he became a student at Leigh's (afterwards Heatherley's) Academy in Newman Street, London. He first exhibited in 1857 at the Society of British Artists, of which he was elected a member in 1864; many of his works appeared at its exhibitions, and forty-eight were shown at the Royal Academy between 1860 and 1904. He worked at one period with Thomas Faed, R.A. [q. v.], whose influence is shown in his work. He painted efficiently, if without original power, genre subjects, interiors, landscapes, and coast scenes with figures. Among his works were 'Looking Out' (1860), 'The Lace Maker' (1866), 'A Water-Carrier, Rome' (1869), 'Homeless' (1872), 'News from the Cape' (1879), 'Approaching Footsteps' (1883), 'Getting Granny's Advice' (1890), 'The New Gown (1892), and 'Latest Intelligence,' which appeared at the Royal Academy in 1904. His 'Jealousy and Flirtation' (a cottage interior dated 1874) is at the Bethnal Green Museum, and 'An Interesting Paragraph' is at the City Art Gallery, Leeds.

King resided latterly at 103 Finchley Road, N.W. After long months of ill-health he committed suicide on 17 May 1904 at the Swiss Cottage station of the Metropolitan railway, London. He married in 1866 Annie Elizabeth Wilson, a widow, and left no family.

[Information kindly supplied by Mr. Yeend King. V.P.R.I.; The Times. 18 and 21 May 1904; Art Journal, 1904. p. 272; H. Blackburn, English Art in 1884, p. 228 (reproduction); Graves. Dict. of Artists and Roy. Acad. Exhibitors; Cats. of R.B.A. (some containing reproductions), Victoria and Albert Museum (oil paintings), and City Art Gallery.]

B. S. L.

KINGSCOTE, Sir ROBERT NIGEL FITZHARDINGE (1830–1908), agriculturist, born at Kingscote, Gloucestershire, on 28 Feb. 1830, was only son of Thomas Henry Kingscote, squire of Kingscote (1791-1861), by his first wife, Lady Isabella (1809-1831), sixth daughter of Henry Somerset, sixth duke of Beaufort. Educated privately at a school at Weymouth, he afterwards went abroad with a tutor until at the age of sixteen he obtained a commission in the Scots fusilier guards through the influence of his maternal great-uncle Lord Fitzroy Somerset (afterwards Lord Raglan) [q. v.]. On the outbreak of hostilities with Russia he went out to the Crimea as aide-de-camp to his kinsman. Lord Raglan, and was in close attendance on the commander-in-chief, whose remains he escorted back to England. For his war services he was made brevet major on 12 Dec. 1854, and subsequently lieutenant-colonel and C.B. He sold out of the guards in 1856, and lived the ordinary life of a country gentleman. He had been elected in 1852 as a liberal to represent the western division of Gloucestershire; he retained that seat for thirty-seven years. On the death of his father on 19 Dec. 1861 he came into possession of the estate at Kingscote, and kept up the family traditions as a squire, breeder of pedigree live stock, and follower of the hounds. From 1859 to 1866 he was parliamentary groom-in-waiting to Queen Victoria, and thus began a lifelong intimacy with the royal family, especially with the Prince of Wales (afterwards King Edward VII), In May 1864 he was appointed, in succession to Colonel Thomas, superintendent of the Prince of Wales's stables, a post which he held until 1885. In 1867 he was appointed extra equerry to the prince, and on the accession of the prince to the throne was made extra equerry to the king. In March 1885 Colonel Kingscote accepted