Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Errata (1904).djvu/103

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178 i 5-6 Davison, John: for in 1834 read on 6 May 1834
8 after Cathedral, insert On 20 July 1819 he married Mary, daughter of Robert Thorp, elder brother of Charles Thorp [q. v.]; by her he left four sons and six daughters.
180 i 5 f.e. Davison, William (1541?-1608): after attendance on her. insert He was elected M.P. for Knaresborough in the same year.
184 i 19 f.e. Davy, Charles: for Suffolcienses read Suffolcenses
196 ii 12-13 Davy, Martin: omit notwithstanding the latter's whig principles
15 for the whig ministry read the tory ministry
17 omit a gross political job
18 after Chichester insert in 1832
43 for Beechy read Beechey
211 ii 22-20 f.e. Dawes, Lancelot: for Shortly after this . . . prebendaryship read In 1619 he was preferred to a prebendal stall
7 f.e. for the rebellion read the civil war
3 f.e. for February 1653-4 read (according to Le Neve) 18 May 1655
214 ii 10 f.e. Dawes, Sophia, Baronne de Feuchfcres: for Louis XIII read Louis XVIII 216 i 22 Dawes, Sir William: for 1696 read 1697
30 after regular course, insert He was vice-chancellor of Cambridge University in 1698.
ii 31 for 1713 read 1713-4
38 for in 1724 read on 30 April 1724
219 ii 38 Dawson, Abraham: after Thomas insert [q. v.]
13 f.e. for Paul read Paull
220 i l.l. Dawson, Benjamin: for nephew read brother
223 i 30 Dawson, Henry: for Water Street read Waterhouse Lane
227 i 1 Dawson, John: for Thomas read Joseph
4 f.e. for Cheetham read Chetham
228 ii 12 f.e. Dawson, Robert K.: after the civil division insert in Feb. 1836
11 f.e. for 1 April read 28 March
6-4 f.e. Dawson, Thomas: for a dissenter . . . . began life as read and brother of Abraham Dawson [q. v.] He entered Kendal Academy in 1746 and Glasgow College in 1749, and graduated M.D. there on 8 June 1753. In March 1754 he became
l.l. omit went to Glas-
229 i 1-2 for gow University . . . . 1753 read and paid back to the Presbyterian Fund what had been granted for his education.
231 ii 19 Day, George: after orator insert (1528)
20 after 1537 insert holding the office of vice-chancellor during the same year
233 ii 9-11 Day, John (fl. 1606): for but there is no record . . . . left the university, read He was admitted there 24 Oct. 1592, and was expelled for stealing a book from the library, 4 May 1593.
243 i 22 Day, William (1529-1596): after iii. 135). insert On 29 Aug. 1569 he was presented by the queen to the rectory of Lavenham, Suffolk.
244 i 2 after 39, 50. insert He also wrote a 'Narratio de Festivitate D. Georgii in reginali Palatio Westmonasteriensi,' etc., extant in Harl. MS. 304, f. 144.
245 i 34 Dayes, Edward: for Abbey read Hall
ii 2 for Bradley read Brayley
9 Dayrolles, Solomon: after Dayrolles insert or Dayrolle
247 ii 18 Deacon, Thomas.: for now known read known till 1886
251 i 34-38 Deane, Sir Anthony: for and comptroller of the victualling . . . . printed or manuscript, read He was commissioner of the navy from 1672 to 1675, comptroller of the victualling in November 1675, comptroller of the storekeeper's accounts March-June 1680, and commissioner of the navy for general business 1686-8. According to Le Neve's Pedigrees of Knights (p. 127) he was knighted in Feb. 1660-1.
259 ii 45 Deane, Sir Thomas: for Sept. read Oct.
264 ii 35 De Brie, Dick T.: for Dick read Dirk
14 f.e. for Lamb read Lant
265 i 11 De Caux, Salamon: for 1630 read 1626
ii 40 for in 1630 read on 6 June 1626