Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Sup. Vol II (1901).djvu/445

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John Leech both contributed, and he edited the 'Illustrated London Almanack' for fifty-one years.

Hogg entered as a student at the Hunterian School of Medicine and at Charing Cross Hospital in 1845, though he was not admitted a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England until 1850. By the advice of George James Guthrie [q. v.] he devoted himself more particularly to the study of diseases of the eye, and he soon became proficient in the use of the ophthalmoscope, then newly introduced. On 1 Feb. 1855 he was appointed at the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital as personal assistant to Guthrie, the founder of the hospital, and here he was elected to the office of surgeon on 2 Feb. 1871, a position he resigned under an age limit on 7 June 1877. He was also ophthalmic surgeon to the Hospital for Women and Children in the Waterloo Bridge Road and to the masonic charities.

He was a vice-president of the Medical Society of London in 1851-2, and was elected a fellow of the Linnean Society in 1866. He served as honorary secretary of the Royal Microscopical Society from 1867 to 1872, and he was first president of the Medical Microscopical Society. He was a prominent freemason, both in the craft and arch degrees. He died on 23 April 1899, and is buried in Kensal Green cemetery. He married, in 1841, Mary Ann, a daughter of Captain Davis of the Indian navy, and in 1859 the youngest daughter of Captain James Read.

Hogg's works were: 1. 'The Domestic Medical and Surgical Guide, ... to which is appended Advice on the Preservation of Health at Sea,' London, 1803, 8vo; 5th edit. 1860. 2. 'Elements of Experimental and Natural Philosophy,' London, 1853, 8vo; new edit. 1861; also issued in Bonn's 'Scientific Library.' 3. 'The Microscope, its History, Construction, and Applications,' London, 1854, 8vo; 10th edit. 1898. 4. 'A Practical Manual of Photography,' 5th edit. London, 18~>6, 12mo. 5. 'The Ophthalmoscope, its Mode of Application explained,' London, 1858; 2nd edit. 1858. 6. 'A Manual of Ophthalmoscopic Surgery,' 3rd edit. London, 1863, 8vo. 7. 'Cataract and its Treatment, Medical and Surgical,' London, 1869, 8vo. 8. 'Skin Diseases,' London, 1873, 8vo; 2nd edit., under the title 'A Parasitic or Germ Theory of Disease,' London, 1873, 8vo. 9. 'Impairment and Loss of Vision from Spinal Concussion,' London, 1876, 8vo. 10. 'The Cure of Cataract and other Eye Affections,' London, 8vo; 1878, 12mo; 3rd edit. London, 1882, 8vo. He also edited the 'Journal of British Ophthalmology,' 1864, 8vo.

[Lancet, 1899, i. 1263; Times, 26 April, 1899; Men and Women of the Time, 1891, 13th edit.; additional information kindly given by Mr. T. Beattie Campbell, secretary to the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital.]

D’A. P.

HOGHTON, DANIEL (1770–1811), major-general, born 28 Aug. 1770, was second son of Sir Henry Hoghton, sixth baronet, of Hoghton Tower and Waltonhall, Lancashire, M.P. for Preston, by his second wife Fanny, eldest daughter of Daniel Booth, a director of the Bank of England. Without passing through the lower grades he obtained a majority in the 97th (Strathspey highlanders) on its formation, 8 Feb. 1794. After serving as a regiment of marines in the channel fleet, it was disbanded in 1795, and he was transferred to the 67th foot on 12 Aug. 1795. The 67th went to St. Domingo in 1796, and thence to Jamaica in 1798. On 31 Jan. 1799 Hoghton was transferred to the 88th (Connaught rangers), and joined it in India. The regiment formed Birt of the expedition sent to Egypt under aird in 1801, but Hoghton seems to have remained in India, and to have been sent home with despatches from Lord Wellesley in the spring of 1804.

He had become lieutenant-colonel in the army on 3 May 1796, and on 22 Nov. 1804 he was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the newly raised second battalion of the 8th foot. On 1 Jan. 1805 he was promoted colonel in the army. He remained at home with his battalion till April 1810, when he was appointed to the staff of the British force at Cadiz as brigadier. He was promoted major-general on 25 July, and in September he left Cadiz to join Wellington's army in Portugal. He was given the command of the third brigade of the second division under Stewart [see Stewart, Sir William], with whom he had served at Cadiz, and who had been his lieutenant-colonel in the 67th.

In the battle of Albuera (16 May 1811), when the Spaniards gave way on the right, Stewart's division was hurried up to take their place. Its leading brigade (Colborne's) was nearly destroyed by a flank attack of cavalry, and Hoghton's brigade was deployed and moved up to the crest of the hill, which had become the key of the position. There it maintained itself for some hours against the 5th French corps, eleven thousand strong, its three regiments (29th, 57th, and first battalion 48th) losing three-fourths of their men. Hoghton himself was killed as he led forward the 29th. Wellington wrote to Lord Wel-