Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 02.djvu/120

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content with accompanying it as a volunteer. He took part in the successful surprise of Ticonderoga, 11 May, and a few days later, having obtained some troops of his own, anticipated Allen in surprising and capturing St. John's, also on Lake George. Difterences with the Massachusetts committee occasioned him to resign his command; but shortly afterwards Washington adopted a plan proposed by him for an expedition against Quebec by way of the river Kennebec and the mountains of Maine, to co-operate with another expedition under Schuyler proceeding by way of the northern lakes. After enduring extreme hardships, aggravated by the desertion of one of his officers who marched back with a part of the commissariat, Arnold brought his troops successfully under the walls of Quebec, but was too weak to attack the city until the arrival of Schuyler's column, now commanded by Montgomery. On 31 Dec. 1775 the two leaders assaulted Quebec, but were disastrously repulsed, Montgomery being killed and Arnold severely wounded. He nevertheless maintained the blockade of Quebec, 'with such a handful of men,' wrote his successor, 'that the story when told hereafter will scarcely be believed.' He subsequently commanded at Montreal, and when at last want of supplies, discontent among the troops, and inferiority of force, compelled the Americans to evacuate Canada, he was literally the last man to leave the country. His next appointment was to the command of a flotilla on Lake Champlain, where, after two desperate actions and one dexterous escape, he was compelled to run his vessels ashore, but saved himself and the men under his command. Shortly afterwards he was, as he conceived, unjustly treated by Congress, which promoted live brigadiers to the rank of major-general over his head. This conduct was probably occasioned by charges then pending against him with reference to the seizure of property at Montreal; and when he was ultimately acquitted. Congress, though consenting to his promotion, refused to restore his seniority. The disgust thus occasioned was probably the first motive to his subsequent treacheiy. He fought, however, at Ridgefield, where he escaped death as though by miracle; relieved Fort Stanwix, blockaded by Indians; and, placed nominally under Gates's orders, but in reality the life and soul of the American army, took the most conspicuous part in the two battles at Saratoga which occasioned the surrender of Burgoyne (October 1777). Congress now restored him to his precedence; but this was the term of his good fortune. A severe wound received at Saratoga disabled him from active service, and he was appointed governor of Philadelphia. While filling this post he exposed himself to charges of extortion and peculation, the truth of which it is difficult to ascertain. He resigned his command, and claimed an investigation. After vexatious delays he obtained a partial acquittal, but incurred a reprimand which Washington, who had always protected him, administered with evident reluctance (January 1780). Arnold was now thoroughly disgusted; his fortunes were desperate. The second wife he had recently married had strong loyalist sympathies; the sentiment of military honour, apart from military glory, had probably never been a very strong one with him, and he easily allowed himself to be persuaded by British agents that he would serve his country by an act of treachery putting an end to the war. A paper published by Barbé-Marbois, purporting to be addressed to Arnold by Colonel Beverley Robinson, is of doubtful authenticity, but probably represents the nature of the arguments to which, rather than to pecuniary temptation, his fidelity succumbed. In August 1780 he solicited and obtained the command of West Point, the key of communication between the northern and southern states, and the depository of the American stores of gunpowder, with the deliberate intention, it cannot be doubted, of betraying it to the enemy. Negotiations were immediately entered into with the British commander Clinton, being conducted on the latter's part by his adjutant, the gallant and unfortunate Major André. On Sept. 21 Arnold and André had an interview at which the surrender of West Point was arranged, and the latter departed, carrying with him particulars of the defences and other compromising documents. The circumstances of his arrest have been related under his name. The news reached Arnold on the morning of 25 Sept., only one hour before the arrival of Washington. After a hasty interview with his wife, who fell senseless at his feet, he mounted his horse, galloped down to the riverside, called a boat, and found safety on board of the British sloop Vulture, which had brought André on his fatal errand.

On joining the British, Arnold received the rank of brigadier-general. His first act was to publish a vindication of his conduct and an appeal to the American army to imitate his example; but these documents, though ably composed, failed to produce the slightest effect. He subsequently commanded expeditions against Richmond in Virginia and New London in Connecticut;