Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 02.djvu/328

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If in the course of his busy life he made no conspicuous addition to the science of medicine, it was that his energies were devoted to the sciences of chemistry and mineralogy. He lectured on chemistry at Guy's Hospital for many years, and published some memoirs in 'Nicholson's Journal.' In mineralogy his interest was still greater, and he achieved more. While apothecary to Guy's Hospital he became possessed of the valuable cabinet of minerals which had belonged to the Earl of Bute: of this he made an elaborate catalogue, which probably served as the foundation of one of his books. His works on mineralogy are described by Mr. Greenough, president of the Geological Society in 1834, as having well represented the state of the science when they were written, but they have long ceased to have any importance.

Dr. Babington did more by encouraging science than by his own work; and as such he has some claim to be regarded as the founder of the Geological Society. The circumstances are thus stated by Mr. Greenough (Presidential Address to the Geological Society, 1834): 'In 1807, with a view to enable Count Bournou, of whom he had been a pupil, to publish his elaborate monograph on the carbonate of lime. Dr. Babington invited [to his own house] a number of gentlemen the most distinguished for their zeal in the prosecution of mineralogical knowledge. A subscription was opened and the necessary sum readily collected. The object having been accomplished, other meetings of the same gentlemen took place, for the joint purpose of friendly intercourse and mutual instruction. From such small beginnings sprang the Geological Society, and among the names of those by whose care and watchfulness it was supported during the early period of its history that of Dr. Babington must always stand conspicuous.' He was president of the society in 1822, but did not contribute to its 'Transactions.' It is recorded that after this he took lessons in geology of a Mr. Webster, and attended the chemical lectures at the London University the year before his death. He was appointed by government one of the referees to put a price upon the Greville collection of minerals, bought by the nation, and now in the British Museum. Dr. Babington was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and took part in founding the Hunterian Society. He rapidly acquired a large and lucrative practice, and continued in the full exercise of professional and scientific activity till within four days of his death, which occurred from influenza, during the severe and destructive epidemic of that disease in London, on 29 April 1833. Dr. Babington was buried in the church of St. Mary's, Aldermanbury. Four years after his death a monument was erected to him in St. Paul's Cathedral by public subscription, Behnes being the sculptor. His bust is in the College of Physicians, and his portrait by Medley has been engraved by Branwhite. He left a son, Benjamin Guy Babington, also physician to Guy's Hospital, and one of his daughters married the eminent physician, Dr. Richard Bright.

He wrote: 1. 'A Systematic Arrangement of Minerals reduced to the Form of Tables, founded on the joint consideration of their chemical, physical, and external characters,' 4to, 1795. 2. 'A new System of Mineralogy in the form of a Catalogue, after the manner of Baron Born's Catalogue of the Fossils of Mdlle. E. de Raab,' 4to, 1799. 3. 'A Catalogue of the genuine and valuable Collection of Minerals of a Gentleman Deceased' (by Dr. Babington and others), 8vo, London, 1805. 4. 'Syllabus of the Course of Chemical Lectures at Guy's Hospital,' 1789, &c. 5. 'A Case of Exposure to the Vapour of Burning Charcoal' (Med.-Chirurg. Transactions, vol. i. 1806).

[Annual Biography and Obituary, 1834; Gent. Mag. 1833; Munk's Roll Coll. Physicians, ii. 451; Medical Gazette, 1833.]

J. F. P.

BABYON, or BABYO, or BABION, PETER (fl. 1317–1366), poet and divine in the reign of Edward II, by birth an Englishman, was educated from his earliest youth in the literæ humaniores by masters of approved ability and long experience. He practised so diligently both prose and verse writing that he soon became an elegant poet and most adept rhetorician. His compositions excited the wonder of the age in which he lived. When speaking of him as a poet, Pits says that he was chiefly remarkable for talents which are rarely found in combination—

Ingenium felix, inventio, lucidus ordo,
Gratia, majestas, ad rem bene congrua verba.

As his judgment became more matured by years, he was unwilling to spend all his life and all his ability in exercises of ordinary choice. He therefore betook himself to the reading of the holy scriptures, and in the midst of that labour he undertook the task of preaching the divine word, for which his previous education had so eminently qualified him. All the polite learning of his youth was now devoted to this sacred purpose. He achieved, as might be expected, a great success, and made for himself a name amongst theologians of no little fame. He was still living, according to Possevino, in 1366. His