Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 11.djvu/269

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place to place, and he died at Irthing House, near Carlisle, 17 Sept. 1863. He was a deeply religious man.

He married, 7 May 1835, Margaret, youngest daughter of the Rev. William Menzies of Lanark, by whom he had a family of ten children.

He was the author of: 1. ‘De Indole Morborum Periodica utpote Sideribus orta,’ 1827. 2. ‘An Account of the Topography, Climate, and State of the Town of Torquay,’ 1833. 3. ‘The Abendberg, an Alpine Retreat, by G.L. of Geneva, with an introduction by J. Coldstream,’ 1848. 4. ‘On the Responsibilities attaching to the Profession of Medicine,’ Lecture 6 in ‘Lectures on Medical Missions,’ 1849. 5. ‘Notice of Attempts made to improve the Condition of the Fatuous,’ 1850. 6. ‘On a Case of Catalepsy,’ 1854. 7. ‘History of the Medical Missions in Addresses to Medical Students,’ 1856. He was also a contributor to the transactions of the Plinian, Wernerian, Royal Medical, Edinburgh Medical and Surgical, and other societies.

[Balfour's Biography of J. Coldstream, 1865 (with portrait); Sketch of Life of J. Coldstream, Edinburgh, 1877; Dr. J. Coldstream, the Christian Physician, London, 1877 (with portrait); Index Catalogue of Library of Surgeon-General's Office (1882), iii. 259; Catalogue of Scientific Papers, ii. 12.]

G. C. B.

COLDWELL, JOHN (d. 1596), bishop of Salisbury, born at Faversham, Kent, matriculated at St. John's College, Cambridge, on 15 May 1551, proceeded B.A. 1554–5, and commenced M.A. 1558, was admitted fellow in March, and was presented to the rectory of Aldington, Kent, the same year. In 1564 he was created M.D., and while continuing to reside in Kent appears to have practised medicine for some time. Archbishop Parker made him his domestic chaplain, and he probably performed medical as well as clerical duties in the household of his patron. His services were rewarded in 1571 with the archdeaconry of Chichester, which he resigned in 1575, and he was further admitted to the rectory of Tunstall, Kent, 13 June 1572, and in November 1580 was instituted to the rectory of Saltwood with Hythe in the same county. On 26 Sept. 1581 he was installed dean of Rochester, and while holding this office served in 1587 on a commission of visitation appointed by Archbishop Whitgift. He was elected bishop of Salisbury on 2 Dec. 1591, the see having then been vacant for three years, and was consecrated on the 26th, being the first married bishop of that church. In a manuscript letter dated 23 Aug. 1593 he petitions the lord keeper that he might have the privilege of nominating the justices of the peace for the city of Salisbury as his predecessors had done. He is accused of impoverishing his see; during his episcopate Sir Walter Raleigh robbed it of the castle, park, and parsonage of Sherborne, together with other possessions. A bishop, however, had little chance of keeping anything if the queen or one of her favourites wanted it. Coldwell complains bitterly of Raleigh in a letter to Henry Brook, dated 10 April 1594 (Murdin), and on 22 April 1596 prays Sir R. Cecil to tell him that owing to the conduct of ‘his man Mears’ in keeping his ‘farm and arrearages’ from him he cannot pay the queen his ‘duties’ (Addit. MS. 6177). He died on 14 Oct. 1596, and was then so deeply in debt that it is said that his friends were glad to bury him ‘suddenly and secretly’ in Bishop Wyville's grave. He wrote ‘Medical Prescriptions’ and a ‘Letter to John Hall, chirurgeon,’ concerning the treatment of a certain case, together in manuscript in the Bodleian Library. Some of his letters are printed in various collections.

[Cooper's Athenæ Cantab. ii. 220, Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy), i. 260, ii. 377, 607; Mores's Hist. of Tunstall, p. 55; Strype's Annals, ii. ii. 119, Whitgift, i. 516, ii. 112 (8vo edit.); Harington's Nugæ Antiq. ii. 122; Murdin's State Papers, p. 675; Harl. MS. 286, f. 121; Addit. MS. 6177, f. 30; Tanner's Bibl. Brit. p. 188.]

W. H.

COLE, ABDIAH (1610?–1670?), physician, was a copious translator and manufacturer of medical books, of whose career little is known. He must have been born early in the seventeenth century, and appears to have passed the earlier part of his life abroad, since he is said to have 'spent twenty-nine years in the service of three of the greatest princes in Europe.' He describes himself as 'doctor of physick and the liberal arts,' but where he graduated is unknown. He did not belong to the College of Physicians. 'In name is often associated with that of Nicholas Culpeper in numerous translations and oompilations. These were for the most part originally written by Culpeper, and Cole's name does not appear on the title-pages (with one exception) till after Culpeper's death in 1658. Cole was, therefore, probably employed to edit and revise these works; and the fact that the later editions were mostly printed by Peter and Edward Cole suggested a possible relationship between the printers and the writer. They were all either translations of standard continental works, or semi-popular works of an inferior stamp, and contain little that is original.

The titles of some are: 1. 'The Practice