Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 11.djvu/439

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worst man in His Majesty's Dominions,' London, 1776, 4to (also 1777, 1778). 3. 'Additions to the Diaboliad,' London, 1777, 4to. 4. 'The Diabo-lady ; or, a Match in Hell, a Poem, dedicated to the worst woman in Her Majesty's Dominions,' London, 1777, 4to (several editions). 5. 'Anti-Diabo-lady,' London, 1777, 4to. 6. 'The First of April, or the Triumph of Folly, a Poem, dedicated to a celebrated Duchess,' London, 1777, 4to (also in 1782). 7. 'A Dialogue in the Shades, between an unfortunate Divine [Dr. Dodd] and a Welch Member of Parliament, lately deceased [Chase Price],' London, 1777, 4to. 8. 'Observations on the case of Dr. Dodd,' London, 1777, 8vo. 9. 'Heroic Epistle to a noble D ,' London, 1777, 4to. 10. 'A Poetical Epistle to Sir Joshua Reynolds,' London, 1777, 4to. 11. 'A Letter to her Grace the Duchess of Devonshire,' London, 1777, 4to (on female education). 12. 'A second Letter to the Duchess of Devonshire,' London, 1777, 4to. 13. 'Interesting Letters of Pope Clement XIV [Ganganelli], to which are prefixed Anecdotes of his Life, &c., translated from the French,' London, 1777, 4 vols. 12mo (spurious ; see Quérard, Supercheries, i. 753). 14. 'The Duchess of Devonshire's Cow, a Poem,' London, 1777, 4to (two editions) . 15. 'An Heroic Epistle to the "Noble Author" of "The Duchess of Devonshire's Cow," ' London, 1777, 4to. 16. ' The Royal Register; or, Observations on the Principal Characters of the Church, State, Court, &c., male and female, with annotations by another hand,' London, 1777-84, 9 vols. 12mo (satirical sketches, with the names indicated by initials). 17. 'Perfection; a Poetical Epistle, calmly addressed to the greatest Hypocrite [John Wesley] in England,' London, 1778, 4to (on methodist love-feasts and the doctrine of perfection). 18. ' The Diaboliad,' pt. ii. London, 1778, 4to (several editions). 19. 'The Justification, a poem,' London, 1778, 4to, and ' The Refutation ' of the same, London, 1778, 4to. 20. ' The Auction ; a Town Eclogue, by the Hon. Mr.——,' London, 1778, 4to. 21. 'An interesting Letter to the Duchess of Devonshire,' London, 1778, 4to. 22. 'An Heroic Epistle to Sir James Wright,' London, 1 778, 4to. 23. 'An Heroic Epistle to an unfortunate Monarch, by Peregrine the Elder,' London, 1778, 4to (in praise of George LTI and the colonial war). 24. 'The Philosopher in Bristol,' London, 1778, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. 25. ' Letters supposed to have been written by Yorick and Eliza,' London, 1779, 2 vols. 12mo (Dyce (p. 117) describes Rogers as telling a scandalous story of the intimate relations between Combe and Eliza). 26. 'The World as it goes, a Poem,' London, 1779, 4to (see Walpole to Mason, 21 Oct. 1779, Cunningham's ed., vii. 262). 27. 'The Fast Day; a Lambeth Eclogue,' London, 1780, 4to. 28. ' Letters of the late Lord Lyttelton,' London, 1780-2, 2 vols. 8vo (spurious ; also 1807, 1816). 29. 'The Traitor, a Poem,' London, 1781, 4to. 30. 'Fashionable Follies, a Novel containing the History of a Puritan Family,' London, 1784, 2 vols. small 8vo (written by Thomas Vaughan ; a third, which is said to have appeared some time afterwards, was by Combe). 31. 'Authentic and interesting Memoirs of Miss Anne Sheldon [afterwards Mrs. Archer],' London, 1787, 4 vols. 12mo (see J. Smith, Comic Miscellanies, i. 17). 32. 'Letters between a Lady of Quality and a Person of Inferior Rank,' London, 1785, 2 vols. 12mo. 33. 'The Origin of Commerce from the Earliest Times, by Adam Anderson, carefully revised, corrected, and continued,' London, 1787-1801, 4 vols. 4to (Anderson's first edition appeared in 1764). 34. ' Letter from a Country Gentleman to a Member of Parliament on the Present State of the Nation,' London, 1789, 8vo (five editions). 35. ' An Answer to "A Country Gentleman's Letter," ' London, 1789, 8vo (also by the versatile Combe). 36. 'The Royal Interview, a Fragment,' London, 1789, 8vo (several editions). 37. 'Voyages made in 1788 and 1789 from China to the Northwest Coast of Africa, by Lieutenant John Meares,' London, 1790, 4to (compiled from Lieutenant Meares's papers ; an edition in 2 vols. was published in 1796. There was a controversy between Meares and Captain G. Dixon on the work). 38. 'The Devil upon Two Sticks in England, being a continuation of "Le Diable Boiteux" of Le Sage,' London, 1790, 4 vols. 12mo (second edition 1791, third edition, enlarged, 1810, 6 vols. 12mo). 39. 'The Royal Dream ; or, the P—— in a Panic, an Eclogue,' London,. 1791, 4to. 40. 'Considerations on the Approaching Dissolution of Parliament,' London, 1791, 4to. 41. 'A Word in Season to the Traders, Manufacturers,' &c., London, 1792, 4to. 42. ' A Critique on the Exhibition of the Royal Academy,' London, 1794, 4to. 43. 'The Schola Salerni, or Economy of Health,' London, 1794, 8vo. 44. 'The History of the River Thames,' London, Boydell, 1794-6, 2 vols. folio (coloured plates from drawings by J. Farington, R. A., with letter-press by Combe). 45. 'Narrative of the British Embassy [of Lord Macartney] to China in 1792-4, by Æneas Anderson,' London, 1795, 4to (compiled from Anderson's notes, also abridged, 1795, 8vo). 46. 'Letter to a Retired Officer on the Court-martial held 27 Nov. 1795, &c., for the trial of Colonel J. F. Caw-