Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 27.djvu/312

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1. ‘Answer to the Bishop of Winchester's Book entitled “A Detection of the Devil's Sophistry,”’ Zurich, 1547, 4to. 2. ‘A Declaration of Christ and His Office,’ dedicated to Edward, duke of Somerset, 8 Dec. 1547, Zurich, 1547; recus. cum correctionibus per Christoph. Rosdell, 12mo, London, 1582. 3. ‘A Declaration of the Ten Holy Commandments of Almighty God,’ 1548, 8vo; 1550, 8vo; 1588, 12mo. 4. ‘Lesson of the Incarnation of Christ,’ London (E. Whitchurch), 1549, 8vo. 5. ‘A Funerall Oratyon,’ preached 14 Jan. on chapter xiv. of Revelation, London (E. Whitechurch), 1549; another edition in same year by T. Purfote. 6. ‘An Oversight and Deliberacion upon the Holy Prophete Jonas’ [London], J. Daye and W. Seres, 1550; sermons on Jonas before the king and council in Lent; two other editions in the same year by J. Daye and J. Tisdale; another issue appeared in 1559. 7. ‘Annotations on XIII Chapter of Epistle to Romans,’ Worcester, 1551; London, 1583, 12mo. 8. ‘A Godly Confession and Protestation of the Christian Faith,’ London (John Day) [1551?], 4to. 9. ‘Homily to be read in the time of Pestilence, and a most present Remedy for the same,’ Worcester (J. Oswen), 1553, 4to. 10. ‘Certain Sentences written in Prison,’ London, 1559, 4to. 11. Speech at his death, ‘An Apology against the Untrue and Slanderous Report that he should be a Maintainer and Encourager of such that Cursed Queen Mary, newely set forth,’ London (J. Tisdale and T. Hacket), 1562, 8vo; also appended to No. 12. 12. ‘Exposition on Psalm 23,’ London, 1562. 13. ‘Comfortable Expositions on the 23, 62, 73, 77 Psalms,’ London, 1580, 4to. 14. ‘Twelve Lectures on the Creed,’ London, 1581, 8vo. 15. ‘Confession of the Christian Faith, containing 100 Articles according to the order of the Creed of the Apostles,’ London, 1583 and 1584, 8vo.

Some of Hooper's letters were printed by Coverdale in ‘Certain most Godly Letters of such true Saintes,’ 1564. These, and others written in prison, appear in Foxe's ‘Actes’ and Strype's ‘Cranmer.’ Many of Hooper's letters are in the collection of original letters published by the Parker Society, 1846–7. Hooper's ‘Answers to certain Queries concerning the Abuses of the Mass’ is printed in Burnet's ‘Reformation Records,’ No. 25, 2nd ser. A portion of the manuscript of Hooper's book to the council against the use of the disputed vestments, written in October 1550, to which Ridley replied, was in existence in 763 (cf. Glocester Ridley, Life of Ridley, p.315).

Hooper's ‘Articuli 50, Injunctiones 31, et Examinationes in Visitatione Diœcesis Glocestriæ,’ appear in Strype's ‘Life of Cranmer,’ p. 216.

The following tracts are attributed to Hooper by Bale: ‘Variæ Conciones,’ lib. i.; ‘Ad Vigornenses et Glocestrenses,’ lib. i.; ‘De Perseverantiâ Christianorum,’ lib. i.; ‘An Fides celari possit,’ lib. i.; ‘Vitandos esse Pseudoprophetas,’ lib. i.; ‘Contra Abominationem Missæ,’ lib. i.; ‘Adversus Concionem Jacobi Brokes,’ lib. i.; ‘Contra Mendacia Thomæ Martin,’ lib. i.; ‘In Psalmum “Levavi oculos meos,”’ lib. i.; ‘Super Orationem Dominicam,’ lib. i.; ‘Fidelis Uxoris Officia,’ lib. i.; ‘De triplici Hominis Statu,’ lib. i.; ‘Contra Buceri Calumniatorem,’ lib. i.; ‘De Re Eucharisticâ,’ lib. i.; ‘De verâ et falsâ Doctrinâ,’ lib. i.; ‘Contra Obtrectatorem Divini Verbi,’ lib. i.; ‘Ad Londinensis Antichristi Articulos,’ lib. i.; ‘Contra Primatum Romani Episcopi,’ lib. i.; ‘Exhortationes ad Christianos’—[Scripsit ex carcere]; ‘Epistolam ad Episcopos, Decanos, Archidiaconos et ceteros Clerici Ordinis,’ Foxe, p. 2135; ‘De Pseudo-doctrinâ fugiendâ,’ lib. i.; ‘Ad Parliamentum contra Neotericos,’ lib. i.; ‘Pro Doctrinâ Cœnæ Dominicæ,’ lib. i.; ‘Contra Corporalem Præsentiam,’ lib. i.; ‘Ad Cardinalem Polum Epist.;’ ‘Ad Acestrensem Episcopum Epist.;’ ‘Ad Calvinum Epist.,’ Epist. ii., Foxe, p. 1482; ‘Transtulit in Anglican. ling.,’ ‘Tertulliani ad uxorem,’ ‘De Electione Mariti et uxoris.’ Selections from Hooper's works have been published in ‘Fathers of the English Church,’ vol. v., London, 1810, and by the Parker Society, in two volumes: vol. i. edited by the Rev. C. Carr, Cambridge, 1843; vol. ii. by the Rev. R. C. Nevinson, Cambridge, 1852.

[Authorities quoted; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 222; Dixon's Hist. of the Church of England, vols. iii. and iv. passim; Literary Remains of Edward VI, ed. Nichols (Roxburghe Club), vol. ii.; Froude's Hist. of Eng., vols. iii. and iv.; Ecclesiæ Londino-Batavæ Archivum (ed. Hessels), ii. 33, &c.; Wordsworth's Eccl. Biography, vol. iii., London, 1839; later writings of Bishop Hooper, with biographical sketch, ed. Nevinson, Cambr., 1852; Orig. Letters, 1537–1558, Cambr., 1847; Strype's Ecclesiastical Memorials, 3 vols. folio, London, 1721; Archæologia, vol. xviii.]

G. G. P.

HOOPER, ROBERT (1773–1835), medical writer, son of John Hooper of Marylebone, was born in London in 1773, and after a course of medical study in London was appointed apothecary to the Marylebone workhouse infirmary. He entered at Pembroke College, Oxford, on 24 Oct. 1796, graduated