Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 29.djvu/246

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his students' class exercised an important influence throughout the church.

Jamieson married in 1830 his cousin, Eliza Jamieson, and had three sons and three daughters. The eldest son, George S. Jamieson, followed his father's career and was minister of Portobello.

The principal works of Jamieson were: 1. ‘Eastern Manners illustrative of the Old and New Testaments,’ 3 vols., 1836–8. 2. ‘Manners and Trials of the Primitive Christians,’ 1839. 3. ‘Accounts of Currie and of Weststruther for the New Statistical Account,’ 1840. 4. Revised and enlarged edition of Paxton's ‘Illustrations of Scripture,’ 1849. 5. ‘Commentary on the Bible,’ 1861–5, in conjunction with Edward Henry Bickersteth, now bishop of Exeter, and Principal Brown of Aberdeen.

[Scott's Fasti, i. 147, 537; Glasgow Herald, 27 Oct. 1880; private information.]

A. H. M.

JAMIESON, THOMAS HILL (1843–1876), librarian, born in August 1843 at Bonnington, near Arbroath, was educated at the burgh and parochial school of that town, and afterwards (1862) at Edinburgh High School and University. While still at college he acted as a sub-editor of ‘Chambers's Etymological Dictionary,’ and subsequently became assistant to Samuel Halkett [q. v.], librarian of the Advocates' Library. In June 1871, on Halkett's death, Jamieson was appointed keeper of the library, and the work of printing the catalogue passed into his care. In 1872 he wrote a prefatory notice for an edition of Archie Armstrong's ‘Banquet of Jests,’ and in 1874 edited a reprint of Barclay's translation of Brandt's ‘Ship of Fools,’ to which he prefixed a notice of Sebastian Brandt and his writings. In 1874 he also privately printed a ‘Notice of the Life and Writings of Alexander Barclay.’ The fire which occurred in the Advocates' Library in the summer of 1875 roused him to exertions beyond his strength, and he died at 7 Gillespie Crescent, Edinburgh, on 9 Jan. 1876, aged only 32. He married, on 11 June 1872, Jane Alison Kilgour, by whom he left two children.

[Scotsman, 10 Jan. 1876, pp. 5, 6; Edinburgh Courant, 10 Jan. 1876, p. 4.]

G. C. B.

JAMRACH, JOHANN CHRISTIAN CARL (1815–1891), dealer in wild animals, son of Johann Gottlieb Jamrach, a dealer in birds, shells, and the like, was born in Hamburg in March 1815. He came to England and was always known here as Charles Jamrach. About 1840 he became a dealer in wild animals, carrying on at first a business which a brother had established in East Smithfield, but he very soon moved to Ratcliff Highway, to what is now 180 St. George's Street East. Here he greatly enlarged his business, and practically acquired a monopoly of the trade in wild animals in this country; he supplied all the travelling menageries and the Zoological Gardens, and was widely known among naturalists. His establishment in Ratcliff Highway excited much curiosity and furnished materials for innumerable newspaper articles. As time went on he found it profitable to import large quantities of Eastern curiosities, and in later years his trade in animals suffered from competition. Jamrach died at Beaufort Cottage, Bow, on 6 Sept. 1891. He was a strong, courageous man, as was shown in his single-handed struggle with a runaway tiger in 1857, of which Frank Buckland wrote a description. A print of Jamrach is in the ‘Pall Mall Budget’ for 10 Sept. 1891. He married, first, Mary Athanasio, daughter of a Neapolitan; secondly, Ellen Downing; and thirdly, Clara Salter. He left issue by his first two wives.

[Private information; Times, 6 and 9 Sept. 1891; Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, 1st ser. pp. 231, &c.]

W. A. J. A.

JANE or JOHANNA (d. 1445), queen of Scotland, was the daughter of John Beaufort, earl of Somerset. Her mother was Margaret, daughter of Thomas Holland, second earl of Kent [q. v.], and niece of Richard II, who became after her first husband's death Duchess of Clarence. James I, king of Scotland [q. v.], when a prisoner at Windsor, saw her walking in the garden of the castle, fell in love at first sight, and wrote the story of his love in the ‘Kingis Quair.’ The marriage, which suited the English rulers, and was made one of the conditions of his release, took place at St. Mary Overy Church in Southwark on 12 Feb. 1424. In the following month the married pair proceeded to Scotland, stopping at Durham, where the hostages for James were delivered, and they reached Edinburgh before Easter. On 21 May they were crowned by Bishop Wardlaw at Scone. Their marriage was happy. [For Jane's children see under James I of Scotland.]

A gratuity to the masons building the palace of Linlithgow, and a gift of the mastership of the hospital of Mary Magdalene, near the same town, to her chaplain, point to it as Jane's favourite residence in Scotland. She received grants for her annuity from the burgh customs, and in the second parliament of the reign the clergy were enjoined, after the English custom, to pray for her along with the