Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 29.djvu/308

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letter to the member churches (see Baptist Annual Register, 1792, p. 409). In 1790 he received the degree of D.D. from the university of Edinburgh. Four years later he became the minister of ‘the newly raised baptist church in Blandford Street,’ London.

In 1798 he succeeded Joseph Swain in the Wednesday-evening lectureship at Devonshire Square, and in the pastorate of the particular baptist church in East Street, Walworth. He remained there till his death, at Walworth, on 21 Feb. 1819. He was buried in Bunhill Fields. He was twice married and left issue. In the ‘Baptist Annual Register’ for 1801, p. 26, there is a fine engraving of him.

Jenkins published many separate sermons and religious tracts, chiefly in defence of his views on baptism. Some of the former were collected in 1779, in two vols., and the latter before 1795, in one vol. He was also author of: 1. ‘The Orthodox Dissenting Minister's Reasons for a further Application to Parliament for Relief in the matter of Subscription,’ London, 1775. 2. ‘Discourses on Select Passages of Sacred History,’ Shrewsbury, 1779. 3. ‘The Orthodox Dissenting Minister's Reasons against Subscribing the Articles of the Church of England’ (before 1781). 4. ‘Reflexions on the Apology of the Rev. Theophilus Lindsay: being a defence of the Doctrine of the Trinity’ (before 1781). 5. ‘A Week well spent, … or plain and serious Reflexions for every day in the week,’ Wrexham, 1791.

Another Joseph Jenkins (fl. 1730) was minister of general baptist congregations in Hart Street, Covent Garden (1702–9), at High Hall (1709–16), and in Duke Street, Southwark (1716–31). He published seven sermons between 1702 and 1725, and was alive in 1736.

[Wilson's Dissenting Churches; Gent. Mag. vol. lxxxix.; Baptist Annual Register; Bunhill Memorials; Palmer's Nonconformity in Wrexham; Joshua Thomas's Hanes y Bedyddwyr (quoted in Palmer); Watt's Bibl. Brit.; General Baptist Repository; works quoted.]

W. A. S.

JENKINS, JOSEPH JOHN (1811–1885), engraver and water-colour painter, born in London in 1811, was son of an engraver, who brought him up to the same profession. He engraved many portraits, and among other works, ‘Susanna and the Elders,’ after Francesco Mola, and ‘The Greenwich Pensioner’ and ‘The Chelsea Pensioner,’ after M. W. Sharp. He engraved plates and drew illustrations for the annuals, such as ‘The Keepsake,’ ‘Heath's Book of Beauty,’ &c. Plates from his drawings will also be found in Heath's ‘Illustrations to Byron’ and similar works. Finding his health unsuited to the practice of engraving, he abandoned it for water-colour painting. He soon became known as a painter of domestic subjects or single figures. In 1842 he was elected an associate of the New Water-colour Society, and a member in 1843. He exhibited fifty-seven drawings at their exhibitions in Pall Mall. In 1847 he seceded from that society, and joined the Old Society, being elected an associate in 1849, and a full member in 1850. The remainder of his life was devoted to the service of that society, and to collecting materials for a history of it and its members. He was secretary for ten years, from 13 Feb. 1854, and was a constant contributor to its exhibitions, sending 271 drawings in all. Some of his drawings were engraved. In 1884 he resigned his membership of the society, and died unmarried on 9 March 1885, at 67 Hamilton Terrace, St. John's Wood. The history of the Old Society of Painters in Water-colours, for which Jenkins had collected so many materials, was completed by Mr. John L. Roget in 1891. Special private views of exhibitions for members of the press were first introduced by Jenkins.

[Roget's Hist. of the Old Water-colour Soc.; Athenæum, 21 March 1885.]

L. C.

JENKINS, Sir LEOLINE (1623–1685), civilian and diplomatist, son of Lewellyn or Leoline Jenkins, a gentleman of moderate estate at Llanblethian, Glamorganshire, was born at Llantrissant in that county in 1623. He received his early education at the grammar school of Cowbridge in his native county, whence he proceeded in 1641 to Jesus College, Oxford. On the outbreak of the civil war he left Oxford and served for a time in the royalist army in Wales. In 1648 he joined the ejected head of his college, Dr. Francis Mansell [q. v.], at the house of Sir John Aubrey at Llantrithyd, where he acted as tutor to Aubrey's eldest son. In May 1651 he was indicted ‘for a seminary of rebellion and sedition,’ and returned with his charge to Oxford, where he took pupils in a house in the High Street, which in consequence came to be known as the Little Welsh Hall. In June 1655 he anticipated a threatened ‘bannition’ by the parliament by retiring to the continent with his pupils, and spent the next three years in travel in France, Holland, and Germany (Reg. of Visitors to the Univ. of Oxford, Camden Soc.; Jenkins, Life of Francis Mansell, D.D., 1854, pp. 19–20, 26). On his return to England he resided for a time in the house of Sir William Whitmore,