Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 31.djvu/436

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on the part of of Dom Miguel, the queen's uncle, to usurp the throne. Accordingly he detained, on his own responsibility, the British force which had been sent to Portugal. The Wellington ministry endorsed the act of their representative, but decided nevertheless on recalling the troops (Lamb's despatches are in vol. xvi. of the State Papers; see also Ashley, Palmerston, i. 130–1). He was in England in August 1828, when he made no secret of his opinion that our government had acted ‘very ill and foolishly in first encouraging and then abandoning the wretched constitutionalists to their fate’ (Greville, i. 141). On the formation of Grey's ministry, Lamb acquired much influence over his brother, Lord Melbourne, the home secretary, although Melbourne was rather jealous and perplexed by Frederick's severe strictures on the whigs. On 13 May 1831 he was appointed ambassador at the court of Vienna, where he remained until November 1841, his adroitness and social qualities enabling him to work well with Metternich, whose foreign policy was entirely congenial to him. He was very handsome, and made many friends. In 1836 he was directed by the government to sound the Duke of Wellington upon the Eastern question, and drew up an able paper, which elicited from the duke a reply dated 6 March 1836 (Lord Melbourne's Papers, p. 342). In 1839 he was created a peer of the United Kingdom by the title of Baron Beauvale. During the following year he was strongly opposed to Palmerston's Syrian policy, and told the ministry that he considered it impossible to execute the convention for the maintenance of the integrity of the Porte. Nevertheless, he carried out Palmerston's instructions with great ability (see especially Parliamentary Papers, 1841, vol. xxix.). When the crisis had abated, Beauvale—if Greville was correctly informed—suppressed a despatch of Palmerston's in which the vacillation of the Austrian cabinet was reviewed in a very offensive style (Greville, pt. ii. vol. ii. p. 389). It was possibly at this time that Melbourne sent him a hint through Lady Westmorland that he could not remain at Vienna if he opposed Palmerston so often.

On his retirement in 1841 Beauvale received a pension of 1,700l. He had the good fortune ‘at sixty years old, and with a broken and enfeebled constitution,’ to marry, on 25 Feb. 1841, ‘a charming girl of twenty,’ the Countess Alexandrina Julia, daughter of the Count of Maltzahn, the Prussian minister at Vienna (she was born in 1818). Greville describes her unceasing devotion to him, and her grief for his death. Beauvale's last years were spent in the retirement of a valetudinarian; he had a great liking for political gossip, and carried on a correspondence with Madame de Lieven. He succeeded to Lord Melbourne's title in May 1848, and died on 29 Jan. 1853.

Beauvale's estates devolved on Lady Palmerston, and through her to the present Earl Cowper, his titles becoming extinct. Lady Beauvale married secondly, on 10 June 1856, John George, second baron Forester.

[Greville Journals, especially the elaborate character of Beauvale in pt. iii. vol. i. pp. 35–7. For his appointments see Haydn's Book of Dignities. The facts of his career are correctly given in the Annual Reg. and Gent. Mag. for 1853.]

L. C. S.

LAMB, GEORGE (1784–1834), politician and writer, fourth and youngest son of Peniston, first viscount Melbourne, was born 11 July 1784. At the age of two he was painted by Maria Cosway as ‘the infant Bacchus.’ Lamb was educated at Eton, and at Trinity College, Cambridge (M.A. 1805). In the same year Lord Minto met him at dinner at Lord Bessborough's, and recorded that he was ‘merely a good-natured lad,’ something like the Prince of Wales (Minto, Life and Letters, iii. 361). He was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn, and went the northern circuit for a short time, but soon abandoned law for literature. He was one of the earlier contributors to the ‘Edinburgh Review,’ and in consequence was satirised by Byron in his ‘English Bards and Scotch Reviewers’ (1809) in the passage—

to be misled
By Jeffrey's heart, or Lamb's Bœotian head.

The expression was afterwards allowed by Byron to have been unjust (Moore, Byron, p. 81). Lamb was a good amateur actor (Miss Berry, Journal, ii. 235), and on 10 April 1807 his two-act comic opera, ‘Whistle for it,’ was produced at Covent Garden, and performed some three times. It was printed in the same year, and is above mediocrity. Together with Byron and Douglas Kinnaird he was member of the committee of management of Drury Lane in 1815, and wrote the prologues to the revivals of old English plays, but almost gave up prologuising when Byron compared him to Upton, who wrote the songs for Astley's (Moore, Byron, p. 288). His adaptation of ‘Timon of Athens’ was produced on 28 Oct. 1816, and published in the same year with a preface, in which it is described as ‘an attempt to restore Shakespeare to the stage, with no other omissions than such as the refinement of manners has rendered necessary’ (Genest, Hist. of the Stage, viii. 584–6). In 1821 he tried to get