Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 47.djvu/269

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against Montrose (Spalding). On 2 Aug. 1645 Montrose's second son James, lord Graham, who had been confined in the castle of Edinburgh, was delivered over to Dalhousie to be educated (Napier, Memoirs of Montrose, p. 563). On 24 Oct. 1646 Dalhousie was appointed to the office of high sheriff of the county of Edinburgh. On 4 May 1648 he was nominated colonel of horse for Midlothian, for the engagement in behalf of Charles I; but apparently he did not accept the office, for he remained a close partisan of Argyll, and was one of the fourteen nobles who attended the parliament of January 1649 (Guthry, Memoirs, p. 301), when the severe act was passed against those who had taken part in the engagement. In March 1651 he was nominated by Charles II colonel for Midlothian (Balfour, Annals, iv. 277). For having sided with Charles II he was by Cromwell's act of grace, 12 April 1654, fined 1,500l., which was reduced to 400l. (Cal. State Papers, Dom. Ser. 1655, p. 72). He died on 10 Feb. 1674. By his first wife, Lady Margaret Carnegie, eldest daughter of David, first earl of Southesk, he had four sons and three daughters: George, second earl of Dalhousie; John, James, William; Marjory, married to James, earl of Buchan; Anne, married, first, to John, earl of Dundee, and, secondly, to Sir Henry Bruce of Clackmannan; and Magdalene, who died unmarried. By his second wife, Jocosa, daughter of Sir Alan Apsley, lieutenant of the Tower of London, widow of Lyster Blunt, son of Sir Richard Blunt of Maple Durham, Oxford, he left no issue.

[Gordon's Scots Affairs and Spalding's Memorialls of the Trubles (in the Spalding Club); Baillie's Letters and Journals (in the Bannatyne Club); Sir James Balfour's Annals; Bishop Guthry's Memoirs; Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), i. 406; Complete Peerage by G. E. C.]

T. F. H.

RAMSAY, WILLIAM (1806–1865), classical scholar, born in 1806, was the third son of Sir William Ramsay, the seventh baronet, by his wife Agnata Frances, daughter of Vincent Biscoe of Hookwood, Surrey. Sir George Ramsay [q. v.] was his elder brother. He was educated at Edinburgh and Glasgow, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1831 and M.A. in 1836 (Grad. Cantabr.) In 1831 he was elected professor of humanity in Glasgow University, and between 1833 and 1859 published several useful educational works. Among these the ‘Extracts from Tibullus and Ovid’ and the ‘Manual of Roman Antiquities’ went through several editions. In May 1863 Ramsay resigned his professorship through failing health, and spent the following winter in Rome, collating the most important manuscripts of Plautus, whose works had long engaged his attention. He died at San Remo on 12 Feb. 1865.

He married Catherine, daughter of Robert Davidson, LL.D., professor of civil law in Glasgow University, by whom he had a daughter, Catherine Lilias Harriet, who married Colonel James Wedderburn-Ogilvy. Ramsay was a sound classical scholar, a conservative, and an episcopalian. His principal publications are:

  1. Hutton's ‘Course of Mathematics, remodelled by W. R.’ 1833, 8vo.
  2. ‘An Elementary Treatise on Latin Prosody,’ Glasgow, 1837, 12mo; revised 1859, 8vo.
  3. ‘Elegiac Extracts from Tibullus and Ovid,’ with notes, 1840, 12mo, and other editions.
  4. ‘Cicero Pro Cluentio,’ edited with prolegomena, 1858, 8vo.
  5. ‘An Elementary Manual of Roman Antiquities,’ with illustrations, London and Glasgow, 1859, 8vo, and other editions.
  6. ‘The Mostellaria of Plautus,’ with notes, 1869, 8vo (posthumous).

Ramsay also wrote a ‘Manual of Roman Antiquities’ in the third division of the ‘Encyclopædia Metropolitana’ (1848, &c.), and contributed to William Smith's dictionaries of Classical ‘Antiquities,’ ‘Geography,’ and ‘Biography.’ His article on ‘Cicero’ in the last-named was especially noteworthy.

%#91;Gent. Mag. 1865, i. 652; Foster's Baronetage and Knightage; Glasgow Univ. Cal.; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

W. W.

RAMSAY, WILLIAM NORMAN (1782–1815), major in the royal horse artillery, born in 1782, was eldest son of Captain David Ramsay, R.N. (d. 1818), and belonged to the family of the Ramsays of Balmain in Kincardineshire [see Ramsay, Sir John]. He entered the Royal Military Academy as a cadet on 17 Jan. 1797, was commissioned as second lieutenant in the royal artillery on 27 Oct. 1798, became first lieutenant on 1 Aug. 1800, and second captain on 24 April 1806. He served in the Egyptian campaign, 1800–1. In 1809 he was posted to I troop (Bull's) of the royal horse artillery, and went with it to Portugal. It was engaged at Busaco in 1810, and was specially thanked by Sir Stapleton Cotton [q. v.], for its zeal and activity in covering the subsequent retreat to Torres Vedras.

When the British army again advanced in 1811 the troop equally distinguished itself. It was mentioned by Wellington in his despatches of 14 and 16 March and 9 April for its conduct in the affairs of Cazal Nova, Foz d'Aronce, and Sabugal. At Fuentes