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had five children. The youngest, Joshua, born in 1687, entered Trinity College, Dublin, on 11 June 1701, graduated M.A., and was chancellor of the diocese of Dromore from 1727 until his death in 1767 (Cotton, v. 252).

Besides two sermons and the pamphlets already noticed, Pullen is said to be the author of a scarce tract, ‘A Vindication of Sir Robert King's Designs and Actions in relation to the late and present Lord Kingston,’ 1699, no printer's name or place (Trin. Coll. Libr., Dublin) [see King, Robert, second Lord Kingston].

[Brady's Clerical and Parochial Records of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross, 1864, iii. 106; Cotton's Fasti Eccles. Hib. ii. 350, iii. 42, 282, iv. 48; Ware's Ireland, ed. Harris, i. 267, 580, ii. 288, 361; Cat. of Graduates, Dublin, p. 471; Reid's Hist. of the Presbyt. Ch. in Ireland, ed. Killen, ii. 450, 458, 476; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. xii. 456; Witherow's Hist. and Lit. Mem. of Presbyter. in Ireland, 1st ser. 1879, pp. 79, 112; Cat. of Trin. Coll. Libr. Dublin.]

C. F. S.

PULLEN, WILLIAM JOHN SAMUEL (1813–1887), vice-admiral, born in 1813, after serving for some years in the navy, quitted it in 1836, and accepted the post of assistant-surveyor under the South Australian Company. Returning to the navy, he passed his examination on 20 July 1844, and was appointed to the Columbia, surveying ship on the coast of North America, with Captain Peter Frederick Shortland [q. v.] He was promoted to be lieutenant on 9 Nov. 1846, but continued in the Columbia till she was paid off in 1848. He was then appointed to the Plover with Captain Thomas Moore for a voyage to the Pacific and the Arctic through Behring Straits [see Hooper, William Hulme]. In the summer of 1849 he and Hooper were ordered by Captain (afterwards Sir Henry) Kellett [q. v.] of the Herald to search the coast from Point Barrow to the mouth of the Mackenzie. After wintering on the Mackenzie, at Fort Simpson, he, with Hooper, in the following summer searched the coast as far as Cape Bathurst; thence returning together, they wintered at Fort Simpson, travelled overland to New York, and arrived in England in October 1851. He had, during his absence, been promoted to the rank of commander, on 24 Jan. 1850; and in February 1852 was appointed to the North Star for service in the Franklin search expedition under the orders of Sir Edward Belcher [q. v.] The North Star spent the next two winters at Beechey Island, and returned to England in October 1854, bringing back also Kellett and the crew of the Resolute. In the following January Pullen was appointed to the Falcon, attached to the fleet in the Baltic during the summer of 1855. On 10 May 1856 he was advanced to post rank, and in September 1857 was appointed to the Cyclops paddle-wheel steamer on the East India station. In 1858 he conducted the soundings of the Red Sea with a view to laying the telegraph cable from Suez to Aden, and through 1859 and 1860 was employed on the survey of the south and east coasts of Ceylon. The Cyclops returned to England early in 1861, and from 1863 to 1865 Pullen was stationed at Bermuda, where he carried out a detailed survey of the group. From 1867 to 1869 he commanded the Revenge, coastguard ship at Pembroke, and on 1 April 1870 was placed on the retired list under the provisions of Mr. Childers's scheme. He became a rear-admiral on 11 June 1874; vice-admiral on 1 Feb. 1879; was granted a Greenwich Hospital pension on 19 Feb. 1886, and died in January 1887.

[Times, 19 Jan. 1887; Hooper's Tents of the Tuski; Belcher's Last of the Arctic Voyages; m'Dougall's Voyage of the Resolute; Dawson's Mem. of Hydrogr. ii. 117.]

J. K. L.

PULLER, Sir CHRISTOPHER (1774–1824), barrister-at-law, grandson of Christopher Puller (d. 1789), was son of Richard Puller (1747–1826), merchant, of London, afterwards of Painswick Court, Gloucestershire. Christopher was educated at Eton and Oxford, where he matriculated from Christ Church on 4 Feb. 1792, gaining the Latin-verse prize in 1794, graduating B.A. 1795, and being elected fellow of Oriel College. He was called to the bar in 1800 at the Inner Temple, but he migrated in 1812 to Lincoln's Inn, where he was elected a bencher in 1822. In early life he was associated as a law reporter with Sir John Bernard Bosanquet [q. v.] In 1823 he was knighted on succeeding Sir R. H. Blossett as chief justice of Bengal. He died on 31 May 1824, five weeks after arriving in India.

Puller married on 9 Aug. 1804, Louisa (1772–1857), niece of Daniel Giles of Youngsbury, Hertfordshire.

[Stapylton's Eton School Lists; Foster's Alumni Oxon.; Gent. Mag. 1786 pt. i. p. 349, 1789 pt. ii. p. 1211, 1825 pt. i. p. 273; Georgian Era; Haydn's Book of Dignities, ed. Ockerby.]

J. M. R.

PULLER, TIMOTHY (1638?–1693), divine, born about 1638, was son of Isaac Puller, who was mayor of Hertford in 1647, author of ‘A Letter to the Hon. Committee at Derby House concerning the capture of the Earl of Holland,’ 1648, 4to, and M.P. for Hertford in 1654, 1656, and 1658–9.