Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 49.djvu/502

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Index to Volume XLIX.

nu: not Rélovu. Edvard (1756-1814). . . . 419 Rail, John (1745-1%) .... 452 Button, Edvard (1796··1Bll). Sn: nnhr Runsll, John, ixth Duke of Bedford (1756- liualnan, Hdwan1(1751`»-IRI4). 18$9). See nmkr kmsll, Lon! John, lint Ruhwonh. John (142121-1690) . . . 419 Earl llusnll. Iiuahsonh. Jnhu (1669-1796). . . . 412 1Znnrll,J¤llr•. 11.11. (1Tn7-18%) . . . 434 Rosliwatb nr Riehwnnli. William (:1. 1637) . H3 1i•»ne11.Ju11n. \'is·¤on1 Am1»erley(1942-1876) 4I»1 Roni. Sea also linnoll. Rowell, Lord John, rim Earl lluawll (1792- l1¤nl,A1exandzr (1814-lI76) . . . 49 1678) .... . . . . 454 Baan!. Antony (1663 P-1748). Sa under 11os¢l1,John (1795-1883) . . . . 464 Runel. liouaod, or Buell, 'ore. Rnscll, John Fulln SIBI4-IM4) . . . 465 Ba¤r1,G¤>r;;¤ (1778-1767) . . . . 424 Buell, John S¤>u( N&l88:') . . . 465 Rnnzl, John (17-10 2-1817) .... 424 Rrnadl, Jenph (17120-MOS) . . . . 406 Hsazl, Round, or Hail, ’1"haodme (1614- llnnll, Lncv, Conninaof (d. MHT) . 467 1609) ........ 4*25 Rnnell. Michael (1781-4048) .... 467 kneel, W1l1iam(d.1702) . - . . . 415 . Rn-11, 010 William Leopold, Ent Baron Run·11. Sao also Rand. Aurlhill (18i9·l$B4) . .... 4811 Hill, Alexander (1715 7-1788) . . . 42I Rune 1, Pau·i¤k(18i9-1692) .... 469 Stall, Ar\hnr’1`o¤zr (1HJS-lB74) . . . 417 Buell, Patrick (1727-1905) .... 469 1£ua•¤11,Slr Charle•(1h!6-1883) , . . 428 llaaaell. Ru-hel, ladv Runll (1436-1723). Randi, Charles William (1812-INI) . . 428 See rr der liumrll, William. Lani Rnsell. Handl, Sir David UW!-1834) . . . 420 Russell, Richard. 11.1). (J. 1771) . . . 470 Iannll, lidwagi Earl olO•ford (1653-1727) . 4T9 Rusrll, Samnal ‘1'¤¤•¤aa (17$ 7-1845) . . 471 Rnnell, lard wud (1%-1887). . . 431 Rosell. Theodore (l614-1689). See Russel. 31:::11, Lady Elisabeth (1528-1009). Sec. Ru•al1.'1'114>nnas(l7G!-1788) . . . . 472 under Roby. Sir Thomas. liuél, Thomas (1757-1@) . . . . 473 · Rnanll,1·`ran¤i•,¤·ond Earlo1‘Be¢lf¤rrl(1527?- 11¤n•11 or Clonu, Thomas (1781 ?-1816) . 475 185) .... . . . . 451 R¤¤ell,’l'homaa Macnarnua ( 1740 F-1814) . 475 Rnnell, Franck, fourth Earl of 1l•¢1lor·1 liuaell, Sir Williom. nu-at llaron llunell of (155-1641). . . .... 433 '1'nornh•ngh(155G?-1618) . ._ . . 476 B111, 1·'ra¤¢·ia, 50.11 Duh of Badford (1765- Rnaaell, Sir William (d. 1654) . . . 479 1U?) . . ...... 435 Buell, William, Lord llnsell (1639-1683), Rasell, 1·`ran¢iaOharl¤ Hastings, ninth Duke *1he patriot' ....... 480 of Bedford (1819-1891). Bu under Rusell, Runell, \\'ll1iam (1434-1696 ?). See under Lord George Wllllam. llnaad. \\'i11xam. Rudi, Lord Goorg• William (1T!}-1846) . 4|7 Rnnall, \\’il11am, tint Dnkeof Bedford (1613- llonall, Sir Henry (1151-1836) . . . 4:18 1700) . ....... 4M llu•ael1.Jann¤ (1764-1886) . . . . 439 Ruaadl, William (1741-1793) .... 4147 llmarll, James 1186-1851 . . . . -140 ltnanll, William (1777-181: .... 41`N Ruaell. Jamu 1790-1861 .... 441 Russell, William (1740-1818 .... 4811 Rvll, John (}. 1450) ..... 441 Humll. Sir William, [D. (1775-1839). See Russell, Sir John sj. 14-10-1470) . . . 411 under Bnaarll, Sir William (1822-1892). Iiunell, John (d. 494) . . . . . 4-12 Rnaaell, William (1780-1870). Se: under kusaell, John, Bran Earl of Bexlfonl (1488?- Ru¤e1LJo1m (1745-1806). 15h.? . . . ..... 414 llniell, Sir William (18;*2-1892) . . . 4*9 lluaae , John, fourth Duke of lleelmrd (1710- Rowell, William Arrnairoog (1811-18791 . um 1771) . . ...... 447 llussll, Sir William 01i1xu11_(l785-12£$3) . IL10 ESD OF '1`1lE FORTY-5 IXTII VOLUME.