Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 62.djvu/66

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of constable of Castlemaine Castle, and in July 1601 was appointed governor of Cork. A year later Carew left Munster, suggesting Wilmot's appointment as vice-president; Cecil, however, wrote that the queen would not ‘accept Wilmot or any such’ (Cal. Carew MSS. 1601–3, p. 274), but Wilmot became commander-in-chief of the forces during Carew's absence, and in September 1602 was made governor of Kerry; in the same month he captured ‘Mocrumpe,’ and throughout the winter was engaged in clearing Kerry of the rebels. In the last week of December and first week of January 1602–3 he inflicted a series of reverses upon the Irish in Beare and Bantry, completely overrunning the country (ib. 1602–3, pp. 368, 404–5; Stafford, Pacata Hibernia, ed. 1896, ii. 281–4). Thence, in February, he turned north-west, again captured Lixnaw, and subdued the Dingle peninsula, effecting a junction with Carew over the Mangerton pass (Bagwell, Ireland under the Tudors, iii. 420).

In the following March Wilmot was associated with Sir George Thornton in the government of Munster during Carew's absence. Cork, however, refused to acknowledge his authority and proclaim James I, and shut its gates against him. Wilmot sat down before it, and turned his guns on the inhabitants to prevent their demolishing the forts erected against the Spaniards. He refused, however, to attack the city, and waited till Carew's return, when its submission was arranged. Wilmot now settled down as governor of Kerry. In 1606 he was again acting with Thornton as joint-commissioner for the government of Munster, and in November 1607 was granted a pension of 200l., and sworn of the Irish privy council. On 20 May 1811 he was granted in reversion the marshalship of Ireland, but surrendered it on 24 Aug. 1617. He sat in the English House of Commons for Launceston from 5 April to 17 June 1614. On 3 June 1616 he was appointed president of Connaught, the seat of his government being Athlone; and on 4 Jan. 1620–1 he was created Viscount Wilmot of Athlone in the peerage of Ireland. Among the rewards for his services were grants of the monastery of Ballinglass and abbey of Carrickfergus in 1614.

While president of Connaught Wilmot embarked on a scheme for completely rebuilding Athlone; and in 1621 Sir Charles Coote accused him of leasing and alienating crown lands and reserving the profits to himself (Cal. State Papers, Ireland, 1615–25, pp. 436–7). These charges were referred to commissioners, but Wilmot's defence was accepted for the time being, and on 7 Nov. 1625 he received a pardon (Morrin, Cal. Patent Rolls, Charles I, p. 41). Charles I also renewed his appointment as president of Connaught, and in October 1627 selected him as commander of a relief expedition to be sent to Rhé. His fleet was, however, delayed at Plymouth, first by want of supplies, and then by storms, which damaged the ships and drove them back into port. Meanwhile the English at La Rochelle had been compelled to retreat (Gardiner, vi. 191–192 sqq.), and Wilmot returned to Ireland, where he was appointed on 6 Nov. 1629 general and commander-in-chief of the forces. On 11 Sept. 1630 Sir Roger Jones, first viscount Ranelagh, was associated with him in the presidency of Connaught, and on 6 Aug. 1631 he was one of the commissioners appointed to govern Dublin and Leinster during the absence of the lords justices.

In 1631, when it was resolved to supersede the lords justices of Ireland by the nomination of a lord deputy, Wilmot entertained hopes of being selected for the post (Strafford Letters, i. 61). Wentworth's appointment he resented as a slight on his own long services, and the new lord-deputy's vigorous inquisition into financial abuses soon brought him into collision with Wilmot. In September 1634 the latter's proceedings at Athlone were again called in question; a commission of inquiry was issued early in 1635, and the Irish law officers instituted suits against Wilmot before the castle chamber on the ground of misdemeanour and in the court of exchequer for recovery of the crown lands he had alienated. Wilmot, in revenge, abetted Barr's petition against Wentworth (ib. i. 369, 377, 399, 402, 421), but on 3 Oct. 1635 was forced to submit, and on 13 July 1636 besought the lord-deputy's favour. Wentworth insisted on restitution of the crown lands, but apparently failed to make Wilmot disgorge before his recall from Ireland. Wilmot's age prevented his serving against the Irish rebels in 1641, but he retained his joint-presidency of Connaught till his death, probably in the early part of 1644. He was alive on 29 June 1643, but dead before April 1644, when his son Henry and Sir Charles Coote were appointed joint-presidents of Connaught (Lascelles, Liber Mun. Hib. ii. 188–90).

Wilmot married, first, about 1605, Sarah, fourth daughter of Sir Henry Anderson, sheriff of London in 1601–2; by her, whose burial on 8 Dec. 1615 is registered both at St. Olave's Jewry and at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, he had issue three sons—Arthur,