Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/517

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Spanish English
Pan Bread
bollo sweet roll
cazabe manioc bread
pan blanco white bread
pan con mantequilla bread and butter
pan de centeno rye bread
pan de maíz corn bread
panecillo roll
pan francés French bread
pan integral whole-wheat bread
pan moreno brown bread
rebanada slice of bread
tostada toast
Postre Dessert
almendrado, macarron macaroon
budín, pudín pudding
buñuelo fritter
compota preserved fruit
confitura jam
flan caramel custard
guayaba guava
helado, mantecado ice cream
jalea jelly
mazapán almond paste
merengue meringue
mermelada marmalade
natilla Spanish custard
pastel, torta cake
queso cheese
requesón cottage cheese
sorbete sherbet
tapioca tapioca
tarta tart, pie
turrón de Alicante nougat
turrón de Jijona almond paste and honey
yemas candied yolks of eggs
Fruta Fruit
aguacate (Am), palta (Am) avocado
albaricoque apricot
cereza cherry