Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/635

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

to spoil it for?

lṳ́ bô̤ ŭi àiⁿ khṳ̀ mih sṳ?
Having no reason for it, why do you go?
lṳ́ bô̤ ŭi àiⁿ mēⁿ i mih sṳ̄?
Since there is no occasion for it, why do you scold him?
  • ūi1047878
  • For, on account of; because; for the sake of; if; in case of.
ūi-tîeh sĭm-mih ŵn-kù?
What is the cause of it?
sĭ ūi-tîeh kong sṳ̄ a sĭ ūi-tîeh sai sṳ̄?
Is it on account of public or private business?
i in-ūi tîeh cí kĭaⁿ cṳ̄ cū lâi;
it was on this account that he came.
in-ūi i hiaⁿ-tĭ m̄ hûa;
because the brothers are not on good terms with each other.
in-ūi cò̤-nî?
What is the occasion of it?
ūi sĭm-mih sṳ̄ tì-kàu cìeⁿ-seⁿ nē?
What has lead to this state of affairs?
lṳ́ lâi ūi úa cē;
give some consideration to my welfare.
i cí hûe ūi sṳ̄ tŏ̤ kò̤;
he is not there because of his having business there.
a small hedgehog, said to have forked spines.
the skin of the small hedgehog, used in medicine.
A place;
a seat; a post; a position; the throne; the room a thing takes up; the place it ought to be in; a classifier of persons, diginifying them.
cí cêk ūi sĭ ko-nîe;
this is the young lady.
cu ūi;
all of you, Sirs.
cu ūi, chíaⁿ cŏ̤;
I beg you all to be seated.
lîet ūi thŵn khṳ tī-tîang?
To whom did his throne descend?
nî lău thò̤ ūi khṳt i kíaⁿ;
being old he resigned his throne to his son.
i sí ău thŵn ūi khṳt i a-tĭ;
on dying he left his throne to his younger brother.
kúi ūi nâng-kheh lâi;
several visitors have arrived.
i cŏ̤ tōa ūi;
he sits in the chief seat.
cí cêk ūi cṳ-nîe-kíaⁿ sĭ tī-tîang kâi cáu-kíaⁿ?
Whose daughter is this young lady?
cêk ūi sîn;
a god.
cí ūi sin-seⁿ;
this teacher.
i cŏ̤ hûang-tì ūi cŏ̤ jîeh cōi nî?
For how many years did he sit upon the throne?
tâng sòi-sòi cū cŏ̤ ūi;
he reigned from his childhood.
i cē kàu cí kâi tī-ūi cū cai;
as soon as he arrived here he knew.
cèng ūi hiaⁿ-tĭ;
all of you brethren.
kíaⁿ-jît kâi tang it ūi sĭ tī-tîang cŏ̤?
Who sat at the head of the table to-day?
tī-tîang cŏ̤ sai it ūi?
Who sat at the foot (the second place of honor at a Chinese feast)?
ūaⁿ ūi;
exchange seats.
jĭang ūi khṳt i;
yielded her place to him.
ū pâng ūi a bô̤?
Is there a room for me (in the inn)?
kio i sùe kàu kâi chng ūi;
chartered from him a place in the hold.
cŏ̤ tŏ̤ tī kâi káu-íⁿ ūi?
In which chair did he sis?
pàng kùe cék kâi chn̂g ūi;
set it along the length of the table.
pàng khui cêk kâi íⁿ ūi;
set it further off by the width of a chair.
súa-bûa cêk cûn ūi;
bring it nearer by a boat's length.
khí jîp kâi ch(illegible text) ūi;
build it the width of a house further in.
hàm i màiⁿ kùe ūi sńg;
tell him not to heave his own seat for frolic.
cáu kùe ūi;
run away from his proper place.
tó̤ tī kâi ūi?
Where is it?
bô̤ ūi hó̤ pàng;
there is no room to set it in.
àiⁿ thóiⁿ hì ēng sùe ūi a mín?
In seeing a place, need one hire a place?
hŵt ūi;
the location of a grave; the burial place.
i thong sin kâi pŏ ūi sêk căi;
he knows well which are the vital parts of the body.
kak nâng kak nâng kâi ka-ciah ūi;
each has his own six feet of earth.
chẁn ūi;
usurp the throne.
sie ceⁿ ūi;
dispute the succession.
tŏ̤ tî kâi ūi-chṳ̀?
In what place?
  • 味道ūi-tàu1053
  • Savor; smack; flavor; taste.
hó̤ ūi-tàu;
hṳ́ khí kâi ūi-tàu bô̤ mih hó̤;
that sort is rather unpalatable.
  • ūi10531305
  • The stomach.
i tì kâi hẃn ūi pēⁿ;
he has nausea.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ sĭ keh-cîah a sĭ hẃn ūi?
Do you think it is a contraction of the gullet which prevents the food being swallowed, or that the stomach refuses to retain the food after it is swallowed?
ūi-kháu m̄ khui;
has no desire for food.
khui ūi;
excite an appetite.
i kâi ūi hâng;
his stomach is weak.
hŭam ŏi hâng ūi kâi mûeh cū m̄ hó̤ cîah;
whatever chills the stomach should not be eaten.
cîah un ūi kâi;
take what warms the stomach.
ūi khì m̄ hûa;
stomach is out of order.
cîah thîo ūi sŭn khì kâi îeh;
take something to settle the stomach.
hûa ūi kĭen pî kâi;
regulate the stomach and bowels.
sìa ūi húe;
cleanse the stomach.
ūi húe sĕng;
has a foul stomach.


  • un1040859
  • Mild, placid, gentle, soothing, bland, genial, warm; tepid; to revive; acquainted with.
i kâi sèⁿ-chêng un-hûa căi;
her disposition is very amiable.
cò̤-sṳ̄ un-un hûa-hûa;
acts very benignly.
cía cĭ un-hûa kâi îeh;
this is a sedative medicine.
un cṳ;
to review lessons.
kū kâi un sêk cū ŏi cai sin kâi;
learn the old thoroughly, then you can understand the new.
thiⁿ-sî un-hûa;
the weather is mild.
nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ sŭ hâng un, sŭ cêk kùa;
the two were chatting about the weather, for a whole half day.
cí kúi jît kâi thiⁿ-khì un-lẃn;
the weather is delightful these last few days.