Page:Discourses of Epictetus volume 2 Oldfather 1928.djvu/575

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Ovid: The Art of Love and Other Poems. J. H. Mozley. (4th Imp.)
Ovid: Fasti. Sir James G. Frazer. (2nd Imp.)
Ovid: Heroides and Amobes. Grant Showerman. (7th Imp.)
Ovid: Metamorphoses. F. J. Miller 2 Vols. (Vol. I. 11th Imp., Vol. II. 10th Imp.,
Ovid: Tristia and Ex Ponto. A. L. Wheeler. (4th Imp.)
Persius. Cf. Juvenal.
Petronius. M. Heseltine; Seneca Apocolocyntosis. W. H. D. Rouse. (9th Imp. revised.)
Plautus. Paul Nixon. 5 Vols. (Vol. I. 6th Imp., II. 5th Imp., III. 4th Imp., IV. and V. 2nd Imp.)
Pliny: Letters. Melmoth's Translation revised by W. M. L. Hutchinson. 2 Vols. (7th Imp.)
Pliny: Natural History. H. Rackham and W. H. S. Jones. 10 Vols. Vols. I.-V. and IX. H. Rackham. Vols. VI. and VII. W. H. S. Jones. (Vol. I. 4th Imp., Vols. II. and III. 3rd Imp., Vol. IV. 2nd Imp.)
Propertius. H. E. Butler. (7th Imp.)
Prudentius. H. J. Thomson. 2 Vols.
Quintilian. H. E. Butler. 4 Vols. (Vol. I. and IV. 4th Imp., Vols. II. and III. 3rd Imp.)
Remains of Old Latin. E. H. Warmington. 4 Vols. Vol. I. (Ennius and Caecilius.) Vol. IIn. (Livius, Naevius, Pacuvius, Accius.) Vol. III. (Lucilius and Laws of XII Tables.) Vol. IV. (2nd Imp.) (Archaic Inscriptions.)
Sallust. J. C. Rolfe. (4th Imp. revised.)
Scriptores Historiae Augustae. D. Magie. 3 Vols. (Vol. I. 3rd Imp. revised. Vols. II. and III. 2nd Imp.)
Seneca: Apocolocyntosis. Cf. Petronius.
Seneca: Epistulae Morales. R. M. Gummere. 3 Vols. (Vol. I. 4th Imp., Vols. II. and III. 3rd Imp.)
Seneca: Moral Essays. J. W. Basore. 3 Vols. (VoL II. 4th Imp., Vols. I. and III. 2nd Imp. revised.)
Seneca: Tragedies. F. J. Miller. 2 Vols. (Vol. I. 4th Imp., Vol. II. 3rd Imp. revised.)
Sidonius: Poems and Letterbs. W. B. Anderson. 2 Vols (Vol. I. 2nd Imp.)
Silius Italicus. J. D. Duff. 2 Vols. (Vol. 1. 2nd Imp., Vol. II. 3rd Imp.)
Statius. J. H. Mozley. 2 Vols, (2nd Imp.)
Suetonius. J. C. Rolfe. 2 Vols. (Vol. I. 7th Imp., VoL II. 6th Imp. revised.)
Tacitus: Dialogues. Sir Wm. Peterson. Agricola and Germania. Maurice Hutton. (7th Imp.)
Tacitus: Histories and Annals. C. H. Moore and J. Jackson. 4 Vols. (Vols. I. and II. 4th Imp., Vols. III. and IV 3rd Imp.)
Terence. John Sargeaunt. 2 Vols. (Vol. 1. 8th Imp., Vol. II. 7th Imp.)
Tertullian: Apologia and De Spectaculis. T. R. Glover. Minucius Felix. G. H. Rendall. (2nd Imp.)

Valerius Flaccus. J. H. Mozley. (3rd Imp. revised.)