Page:Discovery and Decipherment of the Trilingual Cuneiform Inscriptions.djvu/310

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great effort to deprive them of their //, and to range them with the others as the second sii>ns in the surd grades for k and t.

Once the existence of this law was hiferred, Eawlin- son was led to make other modifications in his original alphabet, in order to bring it into strict conformity, and in every instance the alteration has been confirmed. The following Table shows the distribution of the letters into the various classes and grades, and the modifica- tions they underwent. When they fail to comply with the supposed law, the deficiencies are left blank: when they violate it, the offence is marked by '! '.

Uawlinson's Alphabet, ai?teb Atjqust 25, 1846 * Gutturals, Followed by a ( yyy ) by i ( ^ ) by m ( /R )

k surd M aspirate ^^ — ^^

y sonant ^T*^ ^ K^*"

Palatals ch surd fr fr —

J sonant ►-Y^ ,-V^ — Dentnh

M aspirate ^^!<] y<][

d sonant R ^YY /M Labials

P surd ^ E ^ f /aspirate Y^^?? b sonant ^J ^) \ ^] I Nasals nsurd ^ ^^ ^(p ii aspirate »^Y??? m sonant *"TTT T \^ ^ \

  • J: i?. ^. S. X. 186,
