Page:EB1911 - Volume 06.djvu/910

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below that required to produce discharge in a uniform field, so that the discharge from a pointed electrode ought to be compared with a spark whose length is comparable with the radius of curvature of the point. For such short sparks the electric intensity is very high. The electric intensity required to produce the discharge from a gas diminishes as the pressure of the gas diminishes, but not nearly so rapidly as the electric intensity for long sparks. Here again the discharge from a point is comparable with short sparks, which, as we have seen, are much less sensitive to pressure changes than longer ones. The minimum potential at which the electricity streams from the point does not depend upon the material of which the point is made; it varies, however, considerably with the nature of the gas. The following are the results of some experiments on this point. Those in the first two columns are due to Röntgen, those in the third and fourth to Precht:—

Gas. Discharge Potential. Point +. Pressure 760.
Pressure 205. Pressure 110. Point +. Point −.
  Volts. Volts. Volts. Volts.
H2 1296 1174 2125 1550
O2 2402 1975 2800 2350
CO 2634 2100 .. ..
CH4 2777 2317 .. ..
NO 3188 2543 .. ..
CO2 3287 2655 3475 2100
N2 .. .. 2600 2000
Air .. .. 2750 2050

We see from this table that in the case of the discharge from a positively electrified point the greater the molecular weight of the gas the greater the potential required for discharge. Röntgen concluded from his experiments that the discharging potential from a positive point in different gases at the same pressure varies inversely as the mean free path of the molecules of the gas. In the same gas, however, at different pressures the discharging potential does not vary so quickly with the pressure as does the mean free path. In Precht’s experiments, in which different gases were used, the variations in the discharging potential are not so great as the variations in the mean free path of the gases.

The current of electrified air flowing from the point when the electricity is escaping—the well-known “electrical wind”—is accompanied by a reaction on the point which tends to drive it backwards. This reaction has been measured by Arrhenius (Wied. Ann. 63, p. 305), who finds that when positive electricity is escaping from a point in air the reaction on the point for a given current varies inversely as the pressure of the gas, and for different gases (air, hydrogen and carbonic acid) inversely as the square root of the molecular weight of the gas. The reaction when negative electricity is escaping is much less. The proportion between the reactions for positive and negative currents depends on the pressure of the gas. Thus for equal positive and negative currents in air at a pressure of 70 cm. the reaction for a positive point was 1.9 times that of a negative one, at 40 cm. pressure 2.6 times, at 20 cm. pressure 3.2 times, at 10.3 cm. pressure 7 times, and at 5.1 cm. pressure 15 times the reaction for the negative point. Investigation shows that the reaction should be proportional to the quotient of the current by the velocity acquired by an ion under unit potential gradient. Now this velocity is inversely proportional to the pressure, so that the reaction should on this view be directly proportional to the pressure. This agrees with Arrhenius’ results when the point is positive. Again, the velocities of an ion in hydrogen, air and carbonic acid at the same pressure are approximately inversely proportional to the square roots of their molecular weights, so that the reaction should be directly proportional to this quantity. This also agrees with Arrhenius’ results for the discharge from a positive point. The velocity of the negative ion is greater than that of a positive one under the same potential gradient, so that the reaction for the negative point should be less than that for a positive one, but the excess of the positive reaction over the negative is much greater than that of the velocity of the negative ion over the velocity of the positive. There is, however, reason to believe that a considerable condensation takes place around the negative ion as a nucleus after it is formed, so that the velocity of the negative ion under a given potential gradient will be greater immediately after the ion is formed than when it has existed for some time. The measurements which have been made of the velocities of the ions relate to those which have been some time in existence, but a large part of the reaction will be due to the newly-formed ions moving with a greater velocity, and thus giving a smaller reaction than that calculated from the observed velocity.

With a given potential difference between the point and the neighbouring conductor the current issuing from the point is greater when the point is negative than when it is positive, except in oxygen, when it is less. Warburg (Sitz. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berlin, 1899, 50, p. 770) has shown that the addition of a small quantity of oxygen to nitrogen produces a great diminution in the current from a negative point, but has very little effect on the discharge from a positive point. Thus the removal of a trace of oxygen made a leak from a negative point 50 times what it was before. Experiments with hydrogen and helium showed that impurities in these gases had a great effect on the current when the point was negative, and but little when it was positive. This suggests that the impurities, by condensing round the negative ions as nuclei, seriously diminish their velocity. If a point is charged up to a high and rapidly alternating potential, such as can be produced by the electric oscillations started when a Leyden jar is discharged, then in hydrogen, nitrogen, ammonia and carbonic acid gas a conductor placed in the neighbourhood of the point gets a negative charge, while in air and oxygen it gets a positive one. There are two considerations which are of importance in connexion with this effect. The first is the velocity of the ions in the electric field, and the second the ease with which the ions can give up their charges to the metal point. The greater velocity of the negative ions would, if the potential were rapidly alternating, cause an excess of negative ions to be left in the surrounding gas. This is the case in hydrogen. If, however, the metal had a much greater tendency to unite with negative than with positive ions, such as we should expect to be the case in oxygen, this would act in the opposite direction, and tend to leave an excess of positive ions in the gas.

The Characteristic Curve for Discharge through Gases.—When a current of electricity passes through a metallic conductor the relation between the current and the potential difference is the exceedingly simple one expressed by Ohm’s law; the current is proportional to the potential difference. When the current passes through a gas there is no such simple relation. Thus we have already mentioned cases where the current increased as the potential increased although not in the same proportion, while as we have seen in certain stages of the arc discharge the potential difference diminishes as the current increases. Thus the problem of finding the current which a given battery will produce when part of the circuit consists of a gas discharge is much more complicated than when the circuit consists entirely of metallic conductors. If, however, we measure the potential difference between the electrodes in the gas when different currents are sent through it, we can plot a curve, called the “characteristic curve,” whose ordinates are the potential differences between the electrodes in the gas and the abscissae the corresponding currents. By the aid of this curve we can calculate the current produced when a given battery is connected up to the gas by leads of known resistance.

For let E0 be the electromotive force of the battery, R the resistance of the leads, i the current, the potential difference between the terms in the gas will be E0 − Ri. Let ABC (fig. 22) be the “characteristic curve,” the ordinates being the potential difference between the terminals in the gas, and the abscissae the current. Draw the line LM whose equation is E = E0 − Ri, then the points where this line cuts the characteristic curves will give possible values of i and E, the current through the discharge tube and the potential difference between the terminals. Some of these points may, however, correspond to an unstable position and be impossible to realize. The following method gives us a criterion by which we can distinguish the stable from the unstable positions. If the current