Page:EB1911 - Volume 29.djvu/15

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Abu fcoash, Egy. 9-22 (B2) ; 9-81e. Abu-Kof, tribe 34-6470. Abus Aestuarium, bay, Brit. 4- 584 (D41. Abu Sa'd (vizier) 9-96d. — Said III. 18-BOOb. — Said (Arab writer) 24.111a. 21-227a; 9-lOla. — Sa'id al-Jannabi 2-267b ; 5-50d. — Paid b. Abul Khair26-32b ; 21 -2 50c. Abu Salama (general) 5-40b ; — Salem: see Ibrahim ITT. — Salih (historian) 8-415*. - Salifc (poet) 2l-245d. coins 19-887a; inscription* 14- G 19c Abyek, Pers. 21-197K Abyla (zool.) 14-HOa. Abyn, Swed. 19-800 (E2>. ABYSS 1-8 2c Abyssal deposits 19 -97 5a. — reeion 16-89b ; 28-1014O. — cock : see Plutonic- Bock. Abyseapohs, Arab. 3-7 46b. Abyssaacidis 27-388d. ABYSSINIA i-82d ; 1-85 (map) ; art 1-S9b, 21-795d, io-s-Hb j caste divisions 5-4G8ds church, see Abya- 86d, f-94o; coffee 6-647d, mont l-87d ; languages l-8Sb, 12-S94b, 2-284b j missions iB-593a ;■ obelisks 19-94Ba; Sabaean insurip- tiona 14-0200 [ — Jifiaton/ 1-S9b ! i-3Slafolt.; British relations 1-9 Od fall., 18-1280, 9-574a, 18-13o; Christianity l-89o, 2-2640 j n — s „ t __. n.iaec, 9-i2j a; 'dltions 9-37o, . . 0d; Falasha mission lB-409b ; French treaty (1897) 18-128o: 4-606a, 2S-3S3aT Italian in- BEL, temples, I .- OUU ; 8-40 (B3)j archi- tecture 2-373c; Groek in- Abn Sin, tribe 24.10230. Abusina, (Jer. 7-819d. Abusir. Egy. 4-954 (B4) : — Taehfin l-054a. -Tahir 2-26!b; 5-Slb. — Tahir at-Tayyib: Khusrawani. — Tablf Ismail : ae e Mansu — Talib Mahommed : Faridud-diu Attar. — Tamin Ma'adl (9fl2); — Tamin Ma'add (1035): Sabaean influence 23-956a ; Somali wars 1- 9 i d, 25-38 Id. For ancient history see Ethi- opia. — .Bank of: see Bank of Abyssinian cat 5.488c ABYSSINIAN CHURCH l-85d; foundation ll-270a ; liturgy 16-79<5c; Synasarinm 26- 2S2b; Uniat 23-4S8d. A.C. (abbrev.) 1-291. ao. (abbrev.) l-20d, a.'o (abbrev.) l-29d.

ACACIA l-98b ; Australia 2-

"■" ; catechu 5-507b ; koo- "' "TO 20-5 3 3b j pollen- 10- 26-10d; Transyaa[27.188d: U.S. 27-634o. — ndansonia 24-6400. ' a(bofc). Abut, bead, N.Z. 19-624 (CS). Abutig, Egy. 9-40 (B2). ABUTILONl-81b; 17-517d. — Avicennao 15-604 a, AbnTiur,nit„ Egy. 9-40 (B2); 9-2 lc. ABUTMENT 1-Slb j of arches - 4-526b; of bridges 4-5 " ' '.e. Camel-thorn. iliylla l-96d ; 23- 5-30d. aida 3' l-895b: - — UBAIDA (d. 825) 1-S 18-63 3d. — 'Ubaid Abdullah! BatrL — UthmanAmr. : see Jahiz. — Yaafar 3-62d. 1035a. — Yakub ! Bee Yusuf II. sl-ilostansir : it III. sof 26-1034d. nilotk __ obscura 16-382& „,.,. — pyonantha: see Golden — Senegal l-9Gc. — sphacrocephala ! see Bull- Aeaciua of Caesarea 7-T05d; 18-93 b; 9-9S5d. .ernia, Caesaraea Loopold- > l-104c bellaa artes da San _ __.iando, Madrid l-105c. Afwdemiae Caniabrlgiensis "Hostra" 7-6120. ioademia Katm-ae C aorum, Madrid l-99d; 102 2d, — Poetiea do Madrid 28-1 Abu Zeid. Sud. 19-693 (C5) i 26-9 (C3); 19-695b. Ahy.Swed. 26-190 (112). Abyad, nit., Turk-As. i Naples l-99a; 28-10aa. Aeademtca (Cicero) 6.356d. "Aeademio Festival" (Brabma) 4-390b. ' Aoadflmie AIx-Marseille 27- Natlonala des , - do medecine, Paria 1-104O. - da pofisio et de musique, Fr.: see Opera, theatre national del'. - des Beans Arts, Berne - de3 Goncourt 12-231b. - dea inscriptions ot belles lcttres, Fr. 1.103b; 2-S41a: publications 10-90GB, 10- 905a. - des joni floraux l-9Jb ; 22- iala do musiquo, Fr, ,...* d . Jlpture, «-658d. ACADEMIES l-97a; Antwerp academy 26-617aj archae- oloHy and history l-103b ; belies lettras l-lOOo; Duteh S-724a : educational 8-950b; fine arts l-104d i Flemieb 10-495 !j ; German, 1 7 tH cent. ll-7S9bi Greece, modern 7-140a; Italian, 15tn cent. 14-905a: medioiue anil surgery i-104o ; Portuguese 22-160a; Boman, 15tb cent. 16-63d, 2O-706d; Bciantido ademy, W.Va. 28-580 (C3). — v^urnerrf, i-a. £L>iuo ±l£1 Academy (ionrnal) 19-5B3a. -0ADEMY, GREEK l-105d; 21-810a; education 24- 359d; ethics 9>819a; garden! 2-8S3d; Olyrapiodorus 20- B7oi Philo 21-ll3bi Bcepl* ...... ^«^.. gpeugjppua "343 (Gl). ' Academy of Ancient Musie, London 1-1 OS a ; 21-lSOb. — of Arts, Berlin 22-52SO. nomas. — ot Hnmonrlsts I see UnmonriBta, Academy of. — of Music, Boston. U.S. 17-840d. — of Natural Sciences, Phila- delphia l-100h j 21 -369c i 2S-310d ; anthropology 1- 817d; museum 19-670. Paclilo Coast Hiatory Academy (mosaic) 23 - of St Lnko, Home 19-1 „„„. - Of Sciences, Berlin 22-523o. - of Sciences, National (U.S.) - of the Catholio Religion 12-5 73d. - of Toulouse 22-500b 500d. -, Royal I see EoyaJ Aca- Loadi»TLB,17^5*(BS). (B-C2): 19-8311). ACADIAN GROUP 1-lOBttJ 11-67 Od; 5-87d. — region, Can, 6-144d. Aoadio, prov v Can. i see Aeaena 13-763aj 21-T8 28.484c. caia, F. d IO-731o. caja, L. di27-418b. c'aj litis,: C.Am. 5. (A-E4); 24-97a. ABRA-ACCI modern nomos 12 ■ 184 (B-C2). Acarnanian leagae 10-234b. Aoarocecidia : eee Mite-galL ACARUS 1-lllb. -Milam an D<% Shuad : Colloquy ot the Tito JSag AcalyphalO-5G7b. ' — laplohtli (Mexican king) ibaro, Mes. 12-649 d. ipo. CaL 5-8(C2), npsis, riv., Turk.As.1 urult su. ia7-597ft. ciike 22-80 3a. tberpestcs 18 -4 7 2d. thias 14-25Ga: 14-259d -

.); 24-594d;24-5-"

Aeanthobdella *5-79Sa; """ L " n 'ivo organs - ACASTUS 1-lllb i 21-66a. ACATALEPSYl-lllcil-loec; i. go, mt., Guat. 6-678 13-06 lb. tus " (hymn) 13- Acatlaii, Mei:. 18-318 (F4). ACAULESCENT l-lllo; 2S- Accademla della Q


-dl BeHo Arti, Milan:

see AcadSmie

cacthocaris 5-311d. ^ANTHOC^- 38-1 033c. anthocerai .canthooy: 13 -2 33c ! Acantbodidae 14-'J4 Acanthodrilidae 2B-1010b. Acanthodrilus 5-79flb foil.<i]abruspaJloni28-83f-- 13-768ai 18- 22-804a[ I S05o{lig.); B2-805d. Acantbometridoa : see Aci tharla. Acanthomys : sea Aeomya. Acanthooscato spioula : 724a. Acanthophia : see Death AcantliopholiB 7-4 18b. Acanthophorua 14-267d. Acanthopleura 6-248b (fig.) J S-250C. Aoanthopterygil26-346a) 14- 247d; 26-545b: eee ~~— Pharyngognatiii. demia della Crusca, — Platonica 1-9 7 c. — Pontaniana 1-0 7b. Accadian : eee Sumer and Sumerian. ACCA LARENT1A 1-1 lie. Acceleration (biol.) 20-5830. ACCELERATION (mach.) 1- lllo: 17-97*hi diagraml7^ 1009b, 8-1470! bodograpb, 13-558b; units 27-T360. ACCENT l-lllo J Baechyll'dm MSS. 3-124aj Indo-Eiu-o* E3anl6-245a( Irish5>622o; atin 16-2460; metre 27- 1045a, 23-2770; Teutonic 26-67 4b. — , fallacy of 10 -153d. Accentor 1 alpinus (oollarisi 25-609b; 6-517d. — modularis l see Hedge- sparrow. — rubldns 2B.60Sb. ACCEPTANCE 1-1 13b : 3.941a. ACCEPTlLATIONl-113o; 23- 558b. Acceptor (ohem.) 20-423d. — (law) 3.941a. ACCESS (law)l-113o; 18-3783. ACCESSION (law) 1.113c I 1- 710a i 25-617b. — oath : see tinder Oath. ACANTHUS (bot.) Aoaponeta, Mos. 18-318 (D31. ACAPULCO, Mex. 1-llOd: 18-318 (ES-F4) ; 18-324B. Acara, Braz. 4-440 (G2). Acarahisi, mts, Yenez. 27-9 (C2). Acarahii, Braz. 4-440 (12) j 692b. — , riv., Brae. 4-440 (12). Acarai. mts„ Brit.Gui. 12-675 (C3); 12-677a. Aearay,riT.,Parag.2-46a(B2). Acaridea : sec M Acs.riTia2S-13b. a (myth.) 5-570. ' aH IA,d!st.,ancU] 2-440 (B-C2); .... , 10-4760! cok.,. 9-822oj dialect 8-4276: — ^ Nicholas 4-I05ai 19-1 81b, Acciatura, 2-22 5 b. ACCIDENCE 1-1 14a. Accident, Md, 17-828 (Al). ACCIDENT (diet.) 1-llta. — (law) 1-1 14a j factories 18- ]5a: insurance 11 -82 lb, 14- 658d; mines 6-592c, 18. 640b i railway 22-827b, 22* — (logic): 10-153O. fallacy of l-114b t ACARNANIA, d!st. anc Gr. 1- 10-4760 : coinage " ■ ' " 4276; ACCIDENTALISM Aocio, mt~, It. 21-2aio. Acciplter 13-9 5 b, — biittikoteri 16-540b. — cooperi: see Cooper's hawt — fusous : tee Sharp-skinned — cisus l see Sparrow-hawk. dlstjibn- , .'iirbringer** olassJflcatlon20-325dj mo* onlar system 3-965d, 3-966i» plumage 10-2 2 6d.