Page:Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics (1902).djvu/128

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as practically equivalent to the values relating to the most common energy

In this case also is practically equivalent to . We have therefore, for very large values of ,
approximately. That is, except for an additive constant, may be regarded as practically equivalent to , when the number of degrees of freedom of the system is very great. It is not meant by this that the variable part of is numerically of a lower order of magnitude than unity. For when is very great, and are very great, and we can only conclude that the variable part of is insignificant compared with the variable part of or of , taken separately.

Now we have already noticed a certain correspondence between the quantities and and those which in thermodynamics are called temperature and entropy. The property just demonstrated, with those expressed by equation (336), therefore suggests that the quantities and may also correspond to the thermodynamic notions of entropy and temperature. We leave the discussion of this point to a subsequent chapter, and only mention it here to justify the somewhat detailed investigation of the relations of these quantities.

We may get a clearer view of the limiting form of the relations when the number of degrees of freedom is indefinitely increased, if we expand the function in a series arranged according to ascending powers of . This expansion may be written

Adding the identical equation