Page:Ellen More.pdf/4

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Low down in yon wee ostler house,
There is fyfteen Englishmen,
And they are seekin for gude Wallace,
It's him to take, and him to hang.

There's nocht in my purse quo' gude Wallace,
There's nocht, not even a bare pennie,
But I will down to you wee ostler bouse
Thir fyfteen Englishmen to see.

And when he cam to yon wee ostler house
He bad benedicite be these;
He knelt, and on his bended knee
Their bounty kind he begg'd to share.

Where was ye born? auld crookit carle?
Where was ye born, in what countrie?
Ham a true Scot born and bred,
And an auld crookit carle just sic as ye see.

I wad gie fyfteen shillings to onie crookit carle,
To onie crookit carle, just sic as ye,
If ye will get me gude Wallace,
For he is the man I was very fain see.

He hit the proud captain alang the chaft blade,

That never a D(illegible text) o' meal he ate mair,