Page:Encounters (Bowen).djvu/130

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"Home early?"

"Well, yes. One must slack off a bit this weather."

"Idle dog," said Herbert archly.

"Doesn't being engaged agree with Herbert!" cried Cicely, slapping his knee. (She had never taken these liberties at No. 17.) "Don't you feel wonderful, Herbert? Isn't it not like anything you ever felt before?"

Herbert ran one finger round the inside of his collar and smiled what Doris called his quizzical smile.

"Only three weeks more," contributed Richard. "And how's the trousseau getting on?"

"My trousseau?"

"Ha, ha! Hers, of course. My dear Herbert, those dressmaker women have got you in their fist. If they don't choose to let her have the clothes in time she'll put the whole thing off."

Herbert was not to be alarmed. "Oh, they'll hurry up," he said easily. "I'm making it worth their while. By Gad, Cicely, she does know how to dress."