Page:Encounters (Bowen).djvu/136

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turn the question lightly aside. "I think we all know," he said, "when we find her." He wished Doris were sitting beside him instead of Cicely; he would have looked at her sideways and she would have been so much pleased. As it was, he looked across the table at the bread and butter, and Richard jumped up and offered him some more.

"Yes, but what does she consist of?" asked Richard excitedly, forgetting to put down the plate. Herbert was silent; he thought this sounded rather indelicate.

"Sensibility?" suggested Cicely.

"Infinite sensibility," said Richard, "and patience."

"Contrariness," added Cicely.

"Inconsistency," amended Richard.

"Oh no. Contrariness, Richard, and weak will."

Herbert looked from one to the other, supposing they were playing some sort of game.

"She is infinitely adaptable, too," said Richard.

"She has to be, poor thing," said Cicely (this did not come well from Cicely).