Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 4.djvu/536

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John Luttrell, married Elizabeth, relict of Sir John de Vere. son of the Earl of Oxford, iier father, Hugh, earl of Devon, one of the companions in arms of Edward the Third, and one of the original knights of the Gar- ter, was the head of the noble house of Courtenay. Her mother .Margaret was daughter of Humphrey de liohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, constable of England, "the flower of knighthood, and the most Christian knight of the knights of the world," by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of King Edward the Third. Her eldest brother, like her father was one of the original knights of the Garter, a second became archl)ishop of Canterbury, a third lord lieu- tenant of Ireland, and a fourth governor of Calais. It was through this Lady Luttrell that Dunster Castle came into the posses- sion of the Luttrell family by a purchase from the widow of Lord Mohun. She was als(j for a time in the retinue of her cousins, Edward the I'.lack Prince, and his wife, who had been known as the Pair Maid of Kent. This Sir Andrew (3) Luttrell had by his wife l-llizabeth a son. Sir Hugh.

(\'l) Sir Hugh Luttrell, son of Sir An- drew (3) Luttrell and his wife Elizabeth, became grand seneschal of Normandy. His wife was Catherine, daughter of Sir John Beaumont, and they had a son John.

(\"II) John, son of Sir Hugh Luttrell and his wife. Catherine (Beaumont) Luttrell. married Margaret, daughter of Sir John 'i'uchet, of .Audley. owner of Xether Stowey Castle, and they had one son. James.

(\'1H) Sir James Luttrell. son of John Luttrell and his wife. Margaret (Tuchet) I-uttrell. married his cousin. Elizabeth Courtenay, and on account of his taking sides with the house of Lancaster, forfeited all his lands by order of Edward the Fourth, along with the luirls Shrewsbury and Pem- broke, his lands being given to Sir William Herbert, and afterwards to the King's son, and so remained until the success of the I-^incastrian party on the field of Bosworth in .\ugust. I4'^5.

(IX) Sir Hugh (2) Luttrell, son of Sir James Luttrell. who was mortally wounded at the battle of St. /Mbans. went before King Henry the Seventh, and presented a peti- ti(Mi setting forth that his father had been attainted fur the true faith and allegiance which he owed unto the right famous prince of nu)st blessed memory, then his sovereign

lord. Henry the Sixth, the late King of Eng- land, and praying that the act of attainder be repealed, and this petition was granted. He was also created a Knight of the Bath at the coronation of Elizabeth of York, wife of Henry the Seventh, in 1487. When Cath- erine of Arragon came to England to marry the then prince of Wales, Sir Hugh Lut- trell w^as one of the seven knights who were selected to accompany her. He married Margaret Hill, and had a son Andrew.

(X) Andrew (4), son of Sir Hugh (2) and Margaret (Hill) Luttrell, married a daughter of Sir Thomas Wyndham, and they had a son Thomas, also a daughter, Margaret, who married an ancestor of the present earl of Mount Edgecombe, to whom was given the family carpet, a magnificent example of heraldic embroidery, which now hangs at Cothele, the home of the present earl. There is also in existence in England the Luttrell Psalter, which shows the man- ners and customs of the period of about 1340. A number of illustrations from this Psalter are given in "Green's Short History of the English People."

(XI) Thomas, son of Andrew (4) Lut- trell, married a cousin, Margaret Hadley, and had a son George.

(XII) George, son of Thomas and Mar- garet (Hadley) Luttrell, married Joan Stewkley, daughter of his guardian, although his marriage had been arranged by his mother w-ith a niece of Sir James Fitzjames. of the ancient family of that name in Wales. He had a son Thomas.

(XIII) Thomas (2), son of George and Joan (Stewkley) Luttrell, married Jane, daughter of Sir Francis Popham. He espoused the parliamentary cause in the reign of Charles the First. His son and heir George, by royal order was commanded by King Charles the First to have as his guest at Dunster Castle the prince of Wales, afterwards Charles the Second. Dying with- out issue, he w^as succeeded by his brother Francis.

(XIV) Francis, son of Thomas (2) Lut- trell, married Lucy Symonds, granddaugh- ter of John Pym, the great parliamentary leader, and had a son Alexander.

(X\') Alexander (2). son of Francis and Lucy (Symonds) Luttrell, married Dorothy Yard, and had a son Alexander.

( X\T ) Alexander (3). son of Alexander (2) and Dorothy (Yard) Luttrell. married