Page:English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists of the nineteenth century.djvu/538

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"Arrogance or Nonchalance of the Tenth Reported," 100.
"Art of Walking the Streets of London," 152.
Arthur à Bradley, 162.
"Arthur O'Leary," 200.
"A Select Specimen of the Black Style," 262.
"A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing," 374.
"A Shot from Buckingham to Bedford," 97.
"Assisting, Resisting, and Desisting," 218.
"A Student of the Old Masters," 393.
"At a Concert," 220.
"Auld Lang Syne," 247.
Authors and Artists, Quarrels between, 233.
"A Venomous Viper poisoning the R——l Mind." 132.
"A View of the Regent's Bomb," 151.

Ball, Hughes (see "Hughes Ball.")
"Bank Restriction Note," 152.
Barossa, Battle of, 21.
Bath, Queen Charlotte at, 57.
Battier, Mr., 100, 163.
Baylen, Battle of, 20.
Beaconsfield, Lord, 283.
"Beau Clerk for a Banking Concern," 106.
"Belle Alliance," etc., 154.
Bellingham, John, 27.
"Bell's Life," Origin of, 115.
Bennett, C. H., 371-375.
Benningsen, General, 22.
"Bentley's Miscellany," 284, 290.
Bergami, Bartolomeo, 71, 150.
Berkeley, Colonel, 101, 102, 118.
Berlin Decree, 18.
Bernard Blackmantle (see "Westmacott, C. M.").
Betty, Master, 28.
"Bill of Pains and Penalties," 149.
"Birds'-eye Views of Society," 385.
Black-mail, 105.
Blandford, Marquis of, 235.
"Bleak House." 347.
"Blessings of Peace; or, the Curse of the Corn Bill," 136.
Bloated Men of the Last Century, 2.
"Bombardment Extraordinary," 240.
Bonaparte, Napoleon (see "Napoleon").
"Boney and his New Wife," etc., 21.
"Boney's Meditations on the Island of St. Helena," 142.
"Boney returning from Russia covered
with Glory," 23.
"Boney the Second," 21.
"Boney's threatened Invasion brought to bear," 142.
"Bonnie Willie," 161.
"Book of Christmas." 220.
"Book of Days," 369.
Booth, Lucius Junius, 54.
"Born a Genius, and born a Dwarf," 173.
"Bottle, The," 201.
"Braintrees, The," 171.
Brereton, Colonel, 223 (note).
Bright, John, 398.
Brighton Pavilion, 164.
"Bringing up our Bill," 243.
"Britannia Discovering the Source of the Nile," 399.
"British Cookery; or, out of the Frying-pan," etc., 21.
"British Spread Eagle," 134.
Brooks, Shirley, 201, 321, 328, 373, 374.
Brougham, Lord, 236, 237, 243, 258–266, 297, 384 (and see "Jemmy Twitcher").
Browne, H. K., 283, 336-354, 412-416.
"Bubble Burst; or, the Ghost of an old Act of Parliament," 106.
Buckingham, Duke of (see "Duel").
Buckingham, Marquis of, 27.
Bunbury, H. W., 3, 84.
"Bunsby," 342.
Burdett, Sir Francis, 249-251, 253, 269.
"Burking Old Mrs. Constitution," 83.
Busby, Dr., 35.
Buss, R. W., 363-366.
"Buz in a Box," etc., 35.
Byron, Lord, 164.